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The art of leading and motivating teams: a question of effective leadership


Published in

The Conversation

Francisco J. Pérez Latre

Professor. Director Graduate Academic of the School of Communication.

In his Letters to Lucilius, Seneca wrote: "We do not learn for school, but for life".

This principle also applies to leadership. Although we are all called to lead, even if it is only in our own lives, few have mastered the art of leading others. The leader's task goes beyond management: it is about inspiring and motivating people to do their best. But how do great leaders motivate their teams?

Recognition and evaluation: keys to motivate teams

One of the most powerful tools leaders can use to motivate their teams is genuine recognition. When employees feel that their efforts are valued, their commitment and job satisfaction increases.

This recognition does not have to be something extraordinary; a word of thanks or a grade highlighting the good work done can make a big difference.

Time for personal projects

However, leaders who really know how to motivate teams go beyond recognition. They offer opportunities for professional development , give responsibility and promote those who demonstrate commitment and capability.

In the case of some companies, leaders recognize their employees' efforts by giving them time for personal projects. This internship not only motivates employees, but also encourages creativity and innovation. An environment where effort is valued and rewarded creates an atmosphere of continuous motivation, where every achievement, no matter how small, is celebrated.

Setting an example of humility to motivate teams

Great leaders can also motivate their teams by their example of humility and perseverance. Humility is not a sign of weakness, but a strength core topic in an uncertain environment. Leaders who are able to recognize their own mistakes not only generate confidence in their teams, but also create a culture of continuous learning, where everyone feels safe to propose ideas or point out problems without fear of retaliation. This fear-free culture is one of the most powerful drivers of innovation and creativity.

On the other hand, perseverance ensures that the team maintains its approach despite the challenges it faces. A leader who does not give up in the face of obstacles, but continues to strive for the success of project, inspires his or her team to do the same. This combination of humility and perseverance is a motivating force that takes the team to a higher level of commitment and effort.

Putting each person in his or her place

Leaders who know how to motivate teams understand the importance of putting each team member in the right place. Each person has unique talents, and when leaders invest time in getting to know and understand their employees, they can place them in positions where their creativity and skills flourish. This is perhaps one of the most effective strategies for motivation, as it allows people to work at what they do best and enjoy the process.

Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, was known for his ability to identify talent in people and place them in positions where they could be most productive. This leadership subject not only generates success in projects, but also gives employees a sense of purpose and intrinsic motivation to excel in their jobs.

Ambitious but achievable goals

A leader who motivates his team sets clear and ambitious, but achievable goals. Goals should be challenging to keep employees interested and engaged, but not so unattainable as to demoralize them. The right balance of challenge and achievement can keep employees motivated and focused on success.

David Ogilvy, founder of the advertising Ogilvy & Mather agency, said, "Nothing is more demoralizing than a boss who tolerates second-rate work ." A leader must be demanding in terms of the quality of work, but must also provide the resources and support necessary for his or her team to achieve the goals set. When employees see that their leaders believe in their potential, they are motivated to do their best.

Respect and closeness

Another crucial factor in motivation is respect and closeness. Leaders who earn the respect of their teams do so through empathy, active listening and constant support. A good leader is not feared, but respected. He knows how to balance authority with closeness, and this creates an environment in which employees not only follow orders, but feel an emotional commitment to the team's success.

Simon Sinek puts it clearly when he points out that leadership positions "are not owned, they are rented," and the rent must be paid daily with respect and trust. A leader who sample vulnerability, who listens to his team's concerns and acts as mentor, inspires commitment and loyalty.

Long-term vision as a motivational element

Finally, leaders who truly succeed in motivating teams have a long-term vision. They don't just focus on immediate goals, but inspire their teams to see the bigger picture. These leaders offer ideals that transcend day-to-day tasks, and this sparks a genuine passion in their teams to achieve something bigger. Having a "long view" allows leaders to guide their teams through immediate challenges while keeping their eyes on long-term goals.

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, inspires his teams with bold visions such as colonizing Mars or fostering a sustainable future for the planet. These visions, while extremely ambitious, motivate people to work towards goals with a transcendental purpose .

At summary, great leaders not only manage tasks, but also motivate their teams by combining recognition, humility, vision and respect. They know how to put each person in his or her place, set ambitious goals and foster an environment of trust and support. In doing so, they not only get people to work harder, but also inspire them to do their best, thus building stronger organizations and more committed teams.