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Juan José Lasarte and Pablo Sarobe, researchers of the Immunology and Immunotherapy Program at research center Applied Medicine (CIMA ).

Murchante moves against cancer

Wed, 05 Apr 2017 16:37:00 +0000 Published in Navarra Newspaper

On Sunday April 2, a blue tide of more than 2000 people took to the streets of Murchante in an act of solidarity in the fight against cancer. The skating group of Murchante, the association of women Albahaca and the City Council joined forces to raise funds and support the research against this disease. 

During the last three months they have obtained the support of businesses, large and small companies, sports groups, families, volunteers and friends, for the celebration of a solidarity degree program in which the whole town has turned altruistically, with complicity and pride. We could summarize this admirable effort as "a gesture of support for people suffering from this devastating disease". But we would fall short if we considered it just a gesture. A gesture is something ephemeral, outdated or instantaneous, but this was something more. This manifestation of generosity arises from the initiative of a group of people convinced that their commitment, perseverance, work, effort and example can help others, society as a whole. 

The research in health is expensive and depends on public subsidies, private foundations, but also on donations. We cannot expect the administration to fully fund all research programs. Behind every project there is an idea that deserves to be explored. Some die as soon as they are born due to lack of resources and with them also disappear possible solutions. But in this scenario, the disinterested financial aid , philanthropy, makes the difference and in many cases ensures that these projects do not die. 

In Spain, it is private foundations, large banks and a few individual donors that promote initiatives to support research. Society in general is not aware of its potential role in contributing to scientific development and, unlike in Anglo-Saxon countries, does not consider or find mechanisms to support research. And in the midst of all this sea, an island of hope appears, the people of Murchante, who thanks to their will, solidarity and joy, do not hesitate to "get down to work" to convince businessmen, neighbors and friends and raise money to support the research against cancer. Some organize raffles, others solidarity races, others cook and sell garlic toast, sweets, all in an enviable example of auzolán. 

The researchers of CIMA recognize the great merit of this town and we want to extend our sincere thanks to each of the people of Murchante and assure them that every euro contributed will count with the effort of a researcher in the fight against cancer. And it is our greatest wish refund someday that donation in the form of a cure to the people of Murchante and the rest of society. That is our commitment. Thank you very much Murchante.