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Without specialization


Published in

El Diario Vasco

Eider Miranda

As a 4th year nursing student, I would like to make visible the status of nurses regarding their specialization. What do they expect a graduate nurse to do without the EIR? This acronym refers to the examination to acquire training as an Internal Nurse Resident for two years, to obtain the specialization program and to practice as a specialist. The job listings for specialisations in medicine or nursing is based on completely different conditions. While in medicine there are 49 specialities, in nursing only 7 are recognised. Why not develop more specialities in a profession that is responsible for patient care and attention? Recently graduated nurses debate whether it is worth specialising, because of the effort involved in taking the EIR and because of the small number of specialities and places on offer in Spain. It is clear that the conditions do not favour the 11,000 nurses who sit the exam each year, let alone the advancement and development of nursing as a profession.