Gerardo Castillo Ceballos, Professor of the School of Education and Psychology of the University of Navarra
Disdain for culture
Disdain is indifference or contempt for a person or thing. Can it be given with respect to culture?
"In Spain there is disdain for culture. That disdain is at the epicenter of all the rubble, of all the ruins, of all the collective failures. The one who disdains appears to be distant, but his is a sticky mistreatment. Disdain produces an emptiness that fills with disdain. There is a passive form of disdain which is ignoring. But ignorance can also be hyperactive and acquire the aggressive form of hostility". (In article journalistic of Manuel Rivas Barrós)
A symptom of the disdain for culture is the employment of that word as a catch-all for all subject of meanings. For example, "culture of entertainment", "culture of work", "culture of consumption", etc. In this way, culture ends up meaning nothing, for being an empty concept.
Another symptom is the progressive devaluation of "knowledge" contests on television. Today, big money is won by people who do not know how to do the "o" with a pencil; nothing to do with the demanding contests for educated people (some without academic programs of study ) of the past. A good example is Secundino Gallego, porter of the University of Barcelona, who became famous when he competed in 1970 in the program "Las diez de últimas". The contestant could propose the topic of the questions. Secundino demonstrated that he knew everything about birds, including distinguishing all of them by their song.
The disdain for culture became more acute when the Humanities were postponed in the era of modernity, with a technologization that seriously wounded such valuable attitudes as curiosity and the search for thoughtful knowledge, typical of the Philosophy.
A philosopher, Joan Méndez, affirms that "it may seem that today, when science occupies the primacy in the knowledge, the Philosophy is something outdated; but the Philosophy touches the essence of the human being and is constantly updating itself; the Philosophy develops critical, reflective, analytical thinking, with an ethical vision and moral orientation that provides resources to live better at degree scroll individual; but it also serves to reunify knowledge, because knowledge is increasingly fragmented and specialized, and Philosophy, because of its character multidisciplinary, is like the mother of all sciences; it is the one that provides concepts to promote dialogue among them".
We live in a world centered on technology and science, without being aware that many branches of humanistic knowledge are at the very base of all this scientific knowledge .
The language is the basis of scientific communication, while art has made possible the creation of another mode of communication: the image, which has evolved from cave paintings to computer images.
Alejandro Llano, points out that the Humanities are irreplaceable to achieve four objectives: 1. Critical interpretation of current society. Revitalization of culture. 3. Reflection on major personal and social issues. 4. 4. Raising the level of creativity.
Another philosopher, Daniel Innerarity, in his article "In Praise of Inaccuracy," argues that "creativity always implies a certain subject of sabotage against the established division of work , against the division of knowledge and specialization, against the accuracy of the usual solutions; it implies a revision of skills and expectations, a strong willingness to learn outside the established knowledge and practices. And for this, the human and social sciences are indispensable, the great forgotten ones in the midst of a technological furor that makes us illiterate in everything that refers to the interpretation and the meaning of the important things of our life, staff or collective".
Today it is very necessary to remember that the family is the first place where culture is promoted, since it is the place where the essential values of life are discovered and lived. In the home it is possible to foster a sense and sensitivity for culture. There is a family culture that consists of the set of values and customs that define the work of a family. It is concretized in the cultivation staff of each member of a family in their own home, as a task to be carried out with the help of the other members of that family. It is transmitted through the formal and informal Education from one generation to the next, in the form of cultural inheritance.
One of the main functions of the family is to create an environment in which instruction tends to become culture and in which culture tends to become wisdom.