Alfredo Rodríguez Sedano, Professor of Sociology, Education, University of Navarra, Spain
Choosing a project for the future, choosing my children's high school
One more year parents are faced with the pleasant but not easy task of choosing which educational Center is best for their children's project life. Pleasant because it is to look for the best for the child, an issue that any family has in mind without great effort when the status is presented. Difficult because one must first discern what is good, and secondly because, even if it is discerned, the bureaucracy does not necessarily allow it to be achieved. It seems evident that, in many cases, for those who do not have purchasing power, it is a conditioned choice. And in these cases it becomes clear to what extent a conditioning can be so burdensome, and that life teaches us that we have to live continually with conditioning.
It is a decision in which there is a lot at stake precisely because the future of the children is at stake. Faced with a decision of this magnitude, parents look for the best recipe.
In this regard, Gustave Thibon notes that "I am often reproached, after a lecture or a article in the press, for not providing sufficiently "concrete" solutions to the problems I present". I sincerely have the same impression.
Thibon's response to such a complex status as advising parents which Center educational they should choose for their children is of a simplicity and plainness that sheds a lot of light. "I provide principles, not prescriptions. And it is up to you alone to find, in the light of these principles, the solution adapted to the circumstances in which you find yourself and to the end you are pursuing".
The obviousness of the answer needs no further comment, but it is pertinent to point out that one of the greatest signs of the intellectual and affective laziness of our times is the loss of sight of principles, replacing them with prefabricated recipes that can be applied indiscriminately to any circumstance and that dispense with the effort to think, to choose and to create. It is time to remember that the container is as important as the content.
Each family is a totally different world. Each child, within each family, is a different world. Each Center educational is a different world. Bearing in mind the diversity that enriches, perhaps it is the moment to contribute some principles that can help to find the solution adapted to the circumstances in which it is found.
A first basic principle that should be kept in mind when choosing a Center is that the mission statement and task of a Center educational, of subject and whatever it may be, is "to help to grow", because that is to educate. Thus, the Education we wish for our children is not for the world we live in, but for the world we would like them to live in, and for this we must give them the means, since they will be the protagonists of the social changes in which they live. The growth staff at this stage of the children is core topic.
Another basic principle would be to have a clear idea about the project educational of the Center, and to know first hand as much as possible the team of teachers that will carry out this mission statement and task. In this way we will realize if these people will really be able to help our children or not, from agreement with the future that awaits them.
If we want to ensure that the Education is helping to grow, another essential principle is that the Center educational carries out a personalized Education that allows the finding, development and consolidation of the own identity in such early ages, core topic for the development of the personality where the evolution is the constant.
These principles do not depend on the ownership of the center but of the human team that conforms that center educational. development To know first hand the reality in which our children will settle the key years of their intellectual, moral, human and affective development is a non-delegable task for parents.
The core topic seems clear: it is a matter of being firm and uncompromising in the principles and very flexible and very nuanced in the art of applying them. True realism - the one based on love - demands that a key be forged for each lock.