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Juan Luis Lorda Iñarra, Dogmatic Theology, University of Navarra, Spain.

Rumors about the conclusion of John Paul II's beatification process

Thu, 13 Jan 2011 08:45:00 +0000 Published in ABC

In a brief report on Wednesday, January 12, the Italian daily La Stampa informs that, probably next Saturday, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, Cardinal Angelo Amato, will present to Pope Benedict XVI the documentation necessary for the beatification of John Paul II, once the process has been concluded.

The beatification process consists of two parts. First, the heroic virtues must be demonstrated (process of virtues) and then the confirmation of a miracle is required. The first part, the process of virtues, was completed on 18.XII.2009, when Benedict XVI signed the decree recognizing them.

And now, according to La Stampa, the process of research on the miracle has been concluded. This second process involves, first of all, a committee of medical experts and theologians. If they give a favorable opinion, it is studied by the cardinals of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. And if they approve it, the prefect who presides over the congregation transfers it to the Pope, so that he can study it and, if necessary, approve and sign it, and decide the date of the beatification ceremony.

Therefore, it will probably not be possible to know for sure until Saturday. There are still no official comments. But it is logical that there are none because, properly speaking, the process is only concluded when the Pope confirms it. Until then it is a topic under study and in process.

The date of the beatification has been set for the first week of April or the second week of October, to coincide with the anniversary of the death or election of John Paul II.