Published in
Vida Nueva
Ramiro Pellitero
Professor at School of Theology
Twelve years with Francisco
A few days before the twelfth anniversary of his pontificate, Francis thanked volunteers from all over the world for "so many small gestures of gratuitous service [that] make the sprouts of a new humanity germinate; that garden that God has dreamed and continues to dream for all of us."
In his homily on the occasion of the Jubilee of volunteer activities (Sunday, March 9), which was read on behalf of the Pope in St. Peter's place at the Vatican by Cardinal Czerny, Francis thanked them for "following the example of Jesus, serving their neighbor, without serving their neighbor": "On the streets and in homes, with the sick, the suffering, prisoners, the young and the elderly, your submission instills hope in the whole of society".
A good description of volunteers: those who, in the garden that God dreams of, make sprouts of new humanity germinate.
It can be said that these twelve years with Pope Francis have witnessed the same task on his part, in the exercise of his ministry, as gardener of new humanity.
As a small tribute on this anniversary, it is worth recalling some of those "outbreaks" in the form of proposals, slogans or messages that the Bishop of Rome has been communicating, with words and gestures, always giving something of himself.
"A poor Church for the poor", he desired from his first communication with the media: "a Church that goes out", in continuous mission statement that rejects self-referentiality and reaches out to the existential peripheries; and that makes "trouble" (especially the young). "I would prefer a Church that is battered and stained... rather than one that is sick because of enclosure and comfort".
He has accompanied his teachings with his journeys, often long, risky and exhausting, especially for a person of his age; pilgrimages with intense pastoral and symbolic content, manifested in his mottos, in his preparation, in the submission staff and the continuous greeting one by one to so many people, whether or not they are important in the eyes of the world.
It was often his simplest gestures that made headlines and images on social media: his presence in Lampedusa, his visits to prisons, his kissing the feet of the Sudanese authorities, imploring peace talks.
Francis presented the luminous and joyful character of faith and, therefore, of Christian witness, which must be given without a "mournful face". He placed his teachings under the sign of mercy and hope. He repeated many times that "God's style is closeness, compassion and tenderness".
He denounced the scandal of hunger, the barrier of "sad individualism", the danger of "the globalization of indifference", the need for a change of paradigm, in Economics and in politics, at the service of the (really) common good.
Pope Bergoglio pointed to ecumenical and interreligious dialogue as a necessary condition for peace; the need to "welcome, protect, promote and integrate" immigrants; and, at the same time, to call for religious freedom for all.
She promoted the presence of women in decision-making positions both in the Church and in civil Structures ; she dreamed of a Church with a universal heart, at the same time attentive to local cultures (the figure of the "polyhedron").
He wanted to be a "reformer", but first of all of persons and their attitudes rather than of Structures. He proposed discernment as a way of dealing with issues and conflicts.
At the ecclesial level, he has also stressed that the meaning of the ecclesiastical hierarchy is service, and he has worked to combat clericalism. He has legislated and worked for the reform of the Roman Curia and the economic reorganization of the Vatican. He has criticized and persecuted "spiritual worldliness" and especially the sexual abuses committed by ecclesiastics in relation to minors. He has sought to improve preaching (homilies) and Education in the faith (especially catechesis), as well as biblical and liturgical training . He has promoted the closeness and open doors of the Church for "everyone, everyone, everyone". He has encouraged Catholics to launch themselves into mission statement, without clinging to human securities and comforts. He has committed himself to a greater participation of the lay faithful in the synods, beginning with parish and pastoral councils at the local level, in the context of the journey (synodality) of the whole Church.
The successor of Peter addressed young people incisively, using their language and meeting with them on many occasions; he encouraged them to be generous and to participate in the transformation of the world; he promoted an " educationalpact" to improve the current status , both in extension (reaching many more people) and in quality (maturing in values).
He has promoted a "culture of solidarity" contrary to a "culture of discarding", which rejects those he considers useless, such as unborn children, many young people, women in difficult situations, the sick and the elderly. He has tirelessly spoken out against war and has used many means (on the spiritual, pastoral and diplomatic levels) to promote a "culture of peace". In particular, he has clearly denounced the violence caused in the name of religion, or rather the deformation of religion, a deformation often linked to fundamentalism or manipulation.
Indeed, every sprout of new humanity, however small, is a sprout of hope. Thank you, Holy Father, for your service.