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Architectural revolution: designing a skyscraper in 100 hours


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The Conversation

Fernando Manuel Alonso Pedrero

Professor of Geometry, management of Digital Prototyping and Digital Prototyping Workshop. design

Maria Del Pilar Salazar Lozano

Professor of Graphic Expression in Architecture

Is it possible to design a skyscraper in only 100 hours? The incorporation of artificial intelligence algorithms in the process of design is driving a true revolution. Architects are discovering creative and innovative solutions that redefine the limits of what is possible and make it possible to design a skyscraper, among other things, with unprecedented speed and precision, and without risking anything.

design generative buildings

Traditionally, the design of a skyscraper could take months to complete. With the means of the time, the design of the Empire State Building could have taken from 6 months to 1 year. This includes the conceptual design , the development of the detailed plans and other aspects such as foundations, structure or window configuration.

The layout of the interior spaces and technical details such as electrical installation and plumbing must be added to work of design . The most complex plans are those related to the structure of the building. For example, those of the steel structure that supports the weight of the skyscraper and ensures its stability.

Safety-related plans, such as emergency evacuation systems and fire-fighting systems, are also challenging.

The irruption of AI and the generativedesign significantly reduce the time employee in all these processes and, at the same time, allow the designer to be much more creative, without taking any risks, just feeding mathematical formulas with specific parameters. AI has transformed the whole process into a more dynamic and efficient one.

A skyscraper in 100 hours

Designing a skyscraper in just 100 hours may seem like a futuristic goal . But with the evolution of AI we can seriously consider the possibility of fill in the architectural design of a skyscraper in this time frame, allocating about 20% of that time to generative design , 30% to structural analysis and advanced simulations and the remaining 50% to coordination and optimization through BIM (virtual modeling). All of this maximizes the efficiency of the entire process.

Software from design: good views and energy savings

The work of design now begins by entering parameters and objectives into the software. For a skyscraper, this may include integrating renewable energy technologies, maximizing views or optimizing daylighting.

Among other things, the AI can analyze the orientation of the building, the location of windows and the configuration of facades. All this without compromising other aspects such as energy efficiency and privacy.

In addition, these systems can simulate different lighting scenarios throughout the day. This ensures that the final design offers lighting and thermal comfort to occupants all year round.

The AI processes all the information available and generates multiple designs that comply with the requirements. In addition, it offers innovative and unique solutions to the architectural challenges of project. From that point on, it is the architect who, with his or her criteria, selects the best option.

The demand for sustainability and use of materials

Another contribution of AI in skyscraper architecture is its ability to promote sustainability. Through the formulas of the generative design it is possible to optimize the use of materials, minimize waste and maximize energy efficiency. This reduces the environmental impact of new projects. It also offers methods to renovate existing Structures more sustainably.

Once a design has been selected, the transition to building information modeling (BIM) takes place. At this stage the vision of project is brought to life through a detailed 3D virtual model that includes the internal structure, building and technical facilities. It is an open stage, you can always go back.

AI is crucial here as well, since it facilitates simulations and analyses that validate the performance of design. In addition to its energy efficiency and compliance with building codes.

AI makes design more inclusive and accessible. Algorithms can be programmed to include parameters of design universal: barrier-free access, adapted spaces and integrated inclusive signage.

By automating part of the process at design, costs and time can be reduced at development. This could help make quality architecture accessible to a larger part of the population.

design y data

This contemporary process of architectural design is reconfiguring the Education and the internship professional. The art of design and the science of data are blending. Future architects need traditional design skills and understanding of structural principles, but also skill in computer-aided design software and AI algorithms.

The innovation described in the architectural design brings with it new ethical responsibilities. For example, how is copyright handled when an algorithm creates a design? Can software generate an architectural work of art in the traditional sense?

In addition, the reliance on data to inform designs raises questions about privacy, or the use of information staff. As systems become more sophisticated it is essential to carefully establish clear ethical frameworks to guide us in their use.

As we move forward, the partnership between architects, engineers, AI designers and the public will be core topic to ensure that the future of architecture is as human as it is technologically advanced.