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Carlos Manuel Panizo Santos, , Medical Specialist in Hematology of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra

A radical change in treatment

Sat, 14 Sep 2013 08:33:00 +0000 Published in ABC

Lymphomas are a group of diseases whose common denominator is the tumor growth of some of the cells that constitute the immune system. Such is the heterogeneity of these diseases in their diagnosis, clinical behavior and prognosis that their classification includes more than 50 different entities. Thus it is understood that in order to carry out an adequate clinical management it is necessary to have multidisciplinary and qualified teams that bring together the knowledge of pathologists, radiologists, surgeons, nuclear medicine specialists and hematologists.

Contrary to other tumors in which we are witnessing a regression in their incidence thanks to the prevention campaigns of exhibition solar and smoking, the opposite is happening in lymphomas. The lack of knowledge of the causes of their appearance makes prevention campaigns impossible. In spite of this, many lymphomas are cured today with appropriate treatment. The reason for this success is to be found in the advances in chemotherapy and radiotherapy, but above all in the radical change brought about by immunotherapy in this field. The diseased immune system is the enemy to beat, but the healthy immune system itself is used to produce new drugs or therapeutic strategies against lymphomas. Passive immunotherapy, by administering antibodies synthesized at laboratory, is already a routine treatment for many lymphomas, and active immunotherapy, by administering tumor vaccines that induce an immune response against the lymphoma, has been shown to be effective. This last treatment pathway and other new ones, which aim to create in laboratory an army of cells capable of targeting and controlling the growth of the lymphoma, are cutting-edge approaches that are being investigated in clinical trials led by our specialists.