José Víctor Orón Semper, researcher of the 'group Mente-cerebro ' del Institute for Culture and Society
Terms and mentalities. report
Today no one doubts the strength of the emotional reality in human beings. It is commonly accepted that we are not only rational, but also emotional. And although there are many who have not yet discovered the intrinsic and natural relationship between reason and emotion, it is accepted by all that something "has to do" with each other. All this has led today to the existence of a sensitivity to discover an emotional presence where before it was believed that reason reigned. This is the case of report. The traditional view of report consists of remembering what happened in the form of neutral data . In such a case, report is basically a cognitive exercise; which together with a model in which learning things is basically exercising report, has led for a long time to understand teaching as something fundamentally cognitive. This association between report and remembering data is what is called neutral report . But today it is known that neutral report does not exist. It does not exist means that, even if one wants to remember things as a mere remembering data, it is not possible to stay there.
Today it is known that the report also captures the emotions intrinsically linked to those data. Emotions are more intensely learned and less forgotten. Pleasant emotions favor remembering things more globally, and unpleasant emotions favor remembering things in their details. Therefore, it has been proposed that students must be excited to learn things. We are looking at student for the emotion button. This button must be pressed by the teacher or the parent so that student or the child turns on who knows what and starts to memorize everything. This proposal, besides being simplistic, ends up falling where it wanted to go out because it ends up thinking that the important thing about the report is to remember data. Or that it is possible to distinguish between the data and the emotions they arouse, which means ignoring the meaning of a reality (see the term meaning).
That is, they have discovered that the emotional is important, but they end up thinking that the emotional modulates the way they remember data. What it would be worthwhile for them to discover is that there is no such thing as data, but rather data . That to speak of data is an abstract conceptualization of lived experience.
The research in neuroscience can help us in our presentation because we sample that what we call remembering, reliving, recontextualizing and reinterpreting are not different actions, but different aspects of the same action. The four verbs occur at the same time. Thus, in exercising the report, the human, what we do is indeed these four things, which are not four but one. The four terms are not four actions that we can relate, but there is only one action and, to the extent that we look at it, we discover that we can conceptualize four distinct elements.
When speaking of the report, we point out that I speak of the human report ; since the report exists in the entire universe. Also a stone has report: if you give it a blow and break it, it will be remembered for life. If report is that the past affects the present, the stones also have report. Those who want to retain data and data, look for a petrine report . Also an animal has report. More sophisticated than that of a stone, because past experiences serve to make different decisions in the present. But that is not the human report . Those who are simply looking for a report to learn from the past, from bad and good experiences, are moving to the level of the animal report , an emotional report . The human report does much more as it remembers-rerecalls-recontextualizes-reinterprets in a single act. I repeat, there are not four actions that we relate, but a single action from which we differentiate elements.
When remembering, our body relives the experiences that were lived in the past, but they are revived contextualized in the new status, so the same emotional experience changes and, along with it, a new meaning is being given to what was lived. With each act of remembering we change our past. This is what allows the healing of report. When people have lived such painful experiences that they cannot accept them, psychoanalysis teaches us that this is how the subconscious arises. Winnicott said that when we do not have the resources to accept a past event because of the pain it awakens in us, then we have the psychological resource to hide it from our own conscious. The contemplation of such pain is not endured. This is one of the ways by which the subconscious is formed. But subconscious does not mean that it is not active in our life. It is necessary to heal the report: if in a new environment, the person updates what has been lived, then the human report allows him to relive and re-understand what has been lived from his current status .
A point where the human report and the animal report clearly differ is that the animal report remembers the emotional experiences that the animal lived, but the human report remembers the interpersonal relationships that were at stake in the same way that when we give meaning to the world what we do is to project the quality of our interpersonal relationships on what things are, as research on social referencing has shown. If what things are what they are comes from the way they are embedded in interpersonal relationships, the memory of them is the memory of those relationships.
For an animal there is data as the "bag" of characteristics linked to the presence of an object. That is to say, for an animal there is not the object, but the emotional experiences linked to the object, which is what an animal would call data. But for the human being there is no data but interpersonal relationships. To explain this in detail would be extensive, but basically an animal remembers the emotional experiences it lived and the data associated to it; on the other hand, a person remembers the intention of the relationship staff beyond the mere emotional experience or the data. This means that while for the animal, strictly speaking, there are neither relations nor objects but only data; on the other hand, for the person there are interpersonal relations, he can discover the presence of the object and even differentiate it from the data.
The human report always remembers personally, that is, it remembers the significance staff of the event. If someone goes and hits an animal, the animal remembers the emotional experience and the data surrounding it; more if a person is hit, what is remembered is the experience staff of having felt rejected in what one is and means.
To heal the report in the case of an animal is to give it new pleasant experiences and some pleasant data will alleviate the effect of some unpleasant data . For the human being the report is not healed by living a status of well-being after a painful status , but it is necessary to repair the interpersonal relations at stake.
Thus, when we want our children or students to learn data and to do so we want to excite them so that they memorize them more firmly, we are treating them like animals.
The human report is the report of interpersonal relationships and in this framework you can register all the data that you want. What matters to the human being are the other human beings and the data that we remember are those that help us to know how to situate ourselves in this complicated sea of interpersonal relationships. When remembering, what becomes present are the interpersonal experiences at stake. Thus, not only should it be said that there is no neutral report (thinking that remembering is a technical and cold act of remembering data), but also that there is no emotional report (data + emotions), but what really exists in human beings is report staff .
A paradigmatic case of this is Alzheimer's disease, where the painful thing is not the forgetting of data, not even the topic is in not remembering the emotional experiences lived, but the painful thing is that we do not remember what was the interpersonal relationship we had with our loved ones.
Thus, the human report , which we have called report staff , ends up leading to reinterpret the interpersonal relationships from the present interpersonal relationships and opening to the subject of interpersonal relationship that we could have. Any exercise of report does not only entail the reinterpretation of the past, but also a reinterpretation at the level of staff. (Explanation in the term re-signifying).
If in the term meaning we saw that the data are significant because of what they meant for the interpersonal relationship, it is logical that now we say that when we remember data what we really remember are the interpersonal relationships in play. The novelty would be that the human report is creative and allows us to re-signify (and heal) the interpersonal relationships in play. That is why the re-signification takes place through gratitude and reconciliation (see these terms).
At the level of educational this implies that it would be convenient to educate personally and not animalistically. To want to learn data and to want to remember data and its attached emotional experiences is to learn and remember as an animal. Wanting to learn what data means and helps interpersonal relationships and remembering them in the same way is learning and remembering as a human being.