Carlos Bastero de Eleizalde, Professor at the School of Engineering - Tecnun
In memoriam. Javier Echevarría, Chancellor of the University of Navarra.
"Above all, I truly pray for each one of us, so that at all the crossroads of the world those who pass by our side may discover the marvelous call that the Good Shepherd makes to us, to follow him on the road that leads to eternal life". Javier Echevarría, Chancellor of the University of Navarra, wrote to me in June 2003 at a complicated moment in Tecnun.
Throughout these years, this letter has helped me to realize that I have never been alone: at my side was always Chancellor, Prelate and Father. The affection that knows how to appreciate when someone is overwhelmed, is typical of those who, beyond the official document or assignment, feel the other as someone for whom they can dedicate their best efforts. One thus feels protected by the one who carries out the paternity in Degree heroic. This has been for me our Chancellor.
For this reason, I now feel that the support I have felt and the affection I have received during these years have acquired another dimension, the dimension of the one who is really an intercessor.
From the moment I learned of his death, I have the firm conviction that the Lord has rewarded all his faithfulness.
Therefore, with his own words in the above-mentioned letter, I copy: "I encourage you - I know that this is your behavior at all times - to continue working as if nothing were happening; in reality, nothing is happening, since we always have our Father God close to us. Try to do good to the souls of those around you, without expecting anything in return. And the Trinity will bless your occupations with full hands".
This is the rule of conduct that, from Heaven, He will like us to follow. Using these words and interpreting them, nothing is going to happen in our university. We feel well supported by St. Josemaría, by Blessed Alvaro and now by Bishop Javier Echevarría. They will intercede for us so that we can do the work that St. Josemaría envisioned for our university.
I conclude by transcribing one of his wishes: "Take great care of fraternity, charity, the details of joyful and generous service to all people: let us not forget that this is the distinctive mark of those who love Christ".