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Carlos Sancho Mateo, department of Food Sciences, Physiology and Toxicology, University of Navarra, Spain.

Cutbacks in research

Wed, 16 Feb 2011 12:18:18 +0000 Published in News Journal

It is curious to observe that, when a researcher in his day to day life faces the problems posed in his project, which gives him the possibility of obtaining a privileged training as well as the accredited specialization of doctor, he remains oblivious to a present reality due to the need to focus all his abilities on the programs of study of research.

This present reality of which I am speaking is nothing more than a budgetary economic reality directed at times by people who I am not sure understand the importance for a country of research and development as well as of a good business fabric capable of accepting a group of people potentially capable of applying a series of knowledge acquired over a long period of training.

It is true that we are in a period of economic crisis and that all of us who are part of the system must "tighten our belts", but from my point of view there is no better time to take positions than a crisis, since they are the nest of ideas and proposals at the mercy of the technological development that with investment can lead to great economic and social benefits for the country that has applied them.

In 2011 the CSIC is going to reduce its hiring by 20% and is already calling for civil servant scientist positions, while the Ministry of Science and Innovation highlights the favorable attention in the budgets and states that it allows maintaining project funds. However, the CSIC has accumulated a 30% cut for 2011 compared to 2008, the cuts in transfers to the public organizations of research (OPI) have been 15% and the cuts to Ciemat are just some of the numerous examples of the different institutions that are suffering cuts in research subject .

However, in other European countries such as France or Germany, which are also suffering the same crisis and their society has seen their budgets cut, institutions equivalent to CSIC such as the Max Planck Society or the French National Center of research have not had their budgets reduced this year, in fact they are going to be increased for 2011, not to mention the researcher recruitment program that has been boosted at European level and let's not talk about the USA which is still the great market for scientific work . And I wonder: doesn't this Government say that the crisis is worldwide and therefore all sectors in all countries have seen their budgets cut? Why countries like France or Germany prioritize in maintaining the budgets for research and development? The answer is very simple, an economic system based on good technological instructions applied to the industry provides the country with an economic stability based on the patent system. That is why countries such as France or Germany take care of their research and development companies as if they were gold, as well as the future researchers who will maintain this system for the future.

The most immediate consequence for a country that does not invest in this field is the dreaded brain drain accentuated by the lack of priority investment in this sector. This translates into the need to emigrate to other countries that have a structure in which these people can apply their knowledge, as long as they have the means to do so. The consequence for the affected country is twofold, on the one hand the investment that country has made in training is given away to other countries and secondly the increase of unemployment in this sector.

Therefore, I would ask the current government to take maternal care of the centers of research and development so that once we come out of this crisis we are prepared and competent. In this way researchers could focus all their work on their research without having to worry about what their future is going to be once they finish their programs of study and avoid that their obligatory exit is abroad due to the absence of industrial and innovation fabric of their country due to the lack of investment in the past.