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Ramiro Pellitero, Professor of Pastoral Theology, University of Navarra, Spain

Talking to life

Tue, 16 Nov 2010 16:11:00 +0000 Published in

In one of the most important - and most extensive - documents of his pontificate (exhortation "Verbum Domini", on the Word of God in the life and mission statement of the Church, 30-IX-2010), Benedict XVI said that the most complete interpretation of the Bible is the Gospel lived in fullness, as the saints have done: "The most profound interpretation of Scripture comes precisely from those who have allowed themselves to be shaped by the Word of God through assiduous listening, reading and meditation" (n. 48).

In fact, the Pope adds, the great spiritualities that have marked the history of the Church have arisen "from an explicit reference letter to Scripture"; and "each saint is like a ray of light that comes from the Word of God". Thus they have served this Word by making it come alive, and, at the same time, they have rendered their contemporaries the best service: to lead them to God.   

He recalled it again in a speech to the Pontifical Council for Culture committee (November 13, 2010), at purpose of the language required by the new evangelization. Certainly, art and images - he said at the consecration of the Basilica of the Holy Family in Barcelona - are incisive languages, suitable for transmitting the faith. But even more so is "the beauty of Christian life". And the reason is clear: "In the end, only love is worthy of faith and credible. The lives of the saints, of the martyrs, sample a singular beauty that fascinates and attracts, because a Christian life lived in fullness speaks without words". For this reason "we need men and women who speak with their lives, who know how to communicate the Gospel with clarity and courage, with the transparency of their actions, with the glorious passion of charity".

And so it is. When Christians listen to the Word of God-especially in prayer and in the liturgy-and bring it to internship, they turn their lives into a work of art, a praise of God made life and a splendid service to others, at the same time as they contribute to building the world: from families and professions, Cultural Activities Office and politics, leisure and sports, health and sickness. This is the best image, the most meaningful, the most fascinating and attractive, because it is the authentic reflection of the Word made flesh (Christ) in the life of his own.

This was the case with Jutta Burggraf. She did it with her pedagogical and theological work. She taught it day by day with her classes and lectures, with books such as "Knowing and Understanding Each Other, An Introduction to Ecumenism" and "Freedom Lived with the Power of Faith". But, above all, he taught it with his life to the end, illuminating the paths of the earth with the light of faith and love (cf. St. Josemaría Escrivá, The Way, no. 1).