Published in
El Diario Montañés
Gerardo Castillo Ceballos
School of Education and Psychology of the University of Navarra
The progressive increase in the number of marital breakups in many countries is related to the devaluation of this concept.
In Spain, almost 50 percent of marital unions end in breakup, according to the latest report of the CEU Democratic Observatory. The current progressive growth of marital breakups in many countries is related to the devaluation of love in today's world. The Polish sociologist Zygmunt Bauman is the creator of the concept of 'liquid love' which is based on fragile sentimental bonds developed in postmodernity. It is a superficial love with bonds that are diluted like a liquid that slips through the fingers until it disappears.
We live in an increasingly impersonal, individualistic and utilitarian society that flees from commitment, thus generating loveless intelligences and love illiterates. What appears to be love is sometimes disguised lovelessness and in it there is a selfish self-affirmation that incapacitates one to give and to give oneself. The person needs to be loved in himself and for himself, and not for the pleasure or usefulness he can provide.
Some recent programs of study on the causes of marital crises agree that the most common are three: marrying with a love reduced to desire, immaturity for married life and lack of communication.
True love is not an isolated sensitive desire, but a free choice that comes from the intelligence and the will. However, many young people today get married without knowing what marriage is and what are the commitments and duties it entails; they subordinate the submission to the other to their own moods and desires of the moment; they suffer from an inability to owe the other; they expect the other to assume exclusively responsibilities that are common, such as, for example, the education of their children.
The absence of dialogue seriously damages marital communication. If it is habitual, it condemns both spouses to loneliness. Dialogue involves a exchange of information or opinion and requires empathetic understanding. That emotional empathy is the ability to identify with the feelings of another person, as opposed to cognitive empathy, which refers to the ability to understand the other without the need for an emotional connection. Both are necessary in the marital relationship.
It is common for people having a crisis in their marital life to ask experts for guidance when they are already on the verge of a breakup.
on the verge of a breakup. They ignore the fact that this crisis is not simply a one-time event, but a process that has been developing over several years. That is why prevention is better than cure, but in order to know how to prevent possible marital crises, any married couple should be open to the financial aid of specialists and to acquire training on topic. In this way, the crisis will not come, and if it does, it will be less virulent. Below, I will select and list three of the many advisable guidelines for the prevention of the problem.
In conjugal love the most important thing is the smallest thing; many things to take care of.
Put attention to the spouse before everything else. Conjugal love has an order: the other spouse comes first. Each must base his or her happiness on making the other happy: either both are happy or neither is. Efforts must be made to reconcile family life with work life. Many people are married to their work, when the priority in their life is not work, but their marriage and their children.
To begin to love every day. In conjugal love there is no sense in conformism and rest. It either grows or dies. True love does not repeat itself, it is always new, it is creative, it knows how to invent. After the first stages of married life, the passionate and romantic love usually loses intensity, and it is desirable that it evolves towards other forms of love more calm; it is the love-tenderness, the love-companionship, the love-friendship. Take care of the small details.
In married love the most important thing is the small things. The life of a marriage is made up of many small things, details to be taken care of. They show that love is active and always alert. The lyrics of a well-known song express it this way: "He who has a love, let him take care of it".