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Juan Luis Lorda, School of Theology, University of Navarra, Spain.

Separations and divorces

Fri, 17 Sep 2010 09:54:00 +0000 Published in Navarra Newspaper

Talking is part of life. If not, how do you live together? Some find topic in sports. Others, on the other hand, prefer the heart or the echoes of society.

With greater danger, of course, of what one lady said to another, in the magnificent novel by Tolstoy, Ana Karenina: "Try not to bite your language because you may poison yourself". Because in this field the old precept that is "the golden rule of morality" and the most elementary expression of justice is often not respected: "Do not do to another what you do not want to be done to you". These days, the separation of a person from political life has set tongues wagging. The question is not only that of poison. There is also a lot of confusion.

Everyone knows that marriage in Spain is not what it used to be. Neither is it what it was, nor is it what it is. By means of legal unties, made without enquiry public in a serious topic that affects us all, the Spanish marriage no longer has neither husband nor wife, neither father nor mother, nor commitment for life, nor relationship between the two sexes. Moreover, there is no longer any reason to divorce, but it can be done at the initiative of the parties. So a Spanish marriage is dissolved more easily than a mail order sale. With or without children.

This, and the fact that people get married and get married at full speed, confuses everything. The celebrities, with a duly hired photo reportage and pose, explain their mess. Although there are already beginning to be, not one but many wrinkled Hollywood stars who confess that, after 8 husbands, they have not found happiness. Happiness, as any Christian knows, has more to do with giving than receiving. By the way, they don't usually tell it to you in the same way, because if they have had 8 wives, everyone knows that what they were looking for was not happiness. We are not the same.

Spanish marriage has changed so much that it no longer resembles anything like the starting point But Christian marriage is still at the same starting point: one with one and forever.
And it will not change in spite of all the environmental pressures, because the Lord said: "They shall be one flesh, and what God has joined together, let no man put asunder". It is beautiful, because it responds to the spontaneous demands of love. But it is difficult, because love is difficult. And things do not always go from agreement to the ideal.

And then? In the Church there is no divorce, because the commitment is for life. There is an annulment, which is a very different thing, and it is given when it is demonstrated that there was no marriage. In other words, they got married badly, or because they were not capable or because they were not willing to assume what marriage is.

And there is separation, when there is just cause. The Code of Canon Law dedicates a chapter to it. To separate is, simply, to stop living together, without breaking either the commitment of fidelity or the marriage. And this can be done by a Christian. We all know people whom life has placed in this situation status.

And that they try to live it in a Christian way, remaining faithful to their commitment and to the Christian ideal of marriage, which cannot be dissolved. They are also an eloquent Christian witness in the midst of a society attacked by frivolity. Happiness? Happiness is in submission, in what life asks of each one of us. It is a question of responding honestly to the voice of life, which is the voice of conscience and, in the end, the voice of God. But then, does happiness have more to do with conscience than with sex?

Yes, that's right. Anyone who has lived a little knows that. But it is forgotten when we talk too much, because the strength, the strength that life has, goes out of our mouths.