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Lomloe: excellence without compromise


Published in

El Norte de Castilla

Gerardo Castillo

Professor School of Education and Psychology

The Minister of Education stated that the Lomloe "is the first piece of a whole project educational that will have a great transforming impact on the Spanish system educational , which is based on excellence and equity". It is a pity that the two valuable principles invoked -excellence and equity- are practically a toast to the sun. I say this because they hardly correspond to the development of the law. That was one of the reasons why the Lomloe received many amendments in the Senate and later rejection throughout the country by means of massive mobilizations. The mobilizations were also directed against the "curtailment of freedoms" and a single model of Education that does not respect the freedom of parents to choose the Education they want for their children.

Excellence" is a word that expresses the considerable quality that makes a person worthy of high esteem and appreciation. It is a concept that is fashionable, but it does not correspond to today's permissive environment, so it often remains a merely theoretical postulate. Carlos Llano (Universidad Panamericana) argues that excellence is, at present, a concept out of context: "The scope that corresponds to excellence is one of self-improvement, struggle and demand. It is important that in this desire for excellence results are obtained, but it is more important to be demanding in order to achieve them. Excellence can only be achieved by demanding, as the Latin adage wisely stated: per aspera ad astra: the road that leads to the stars is an arduous one".


Mahatma Gandhi was of the same opinion: "Our reward lies in effort and not in result; a total effort is a complete victory". It is not effort for effort's sake, as an end in itself, but as a means to work well done, improvement staff and service to others.

The Lomloe does not allow students to repeat a grade, except in very exceptional cases, since it tends to have detrimental effects: demotivation due to the change of classmates (younger), having to re-study some subjects passed and feeling singled out as student clumsy. This is usually followed by new school failure and possible withdrawal of the programs of study. I admit this judgment, but I think that the alternative should not be to pass the course with failures, but prevention, with educational measures such as the following: more attention to diversity, assessment continuous followed by reorientation (formative orientation), support classes, improvement of study techniques, programs of study directed and scholastic recovery .

Automatic promotion is opposed to the principle of equity, a quality that consists of giving each one what he or she deserves according to his or her merits or conditions (RAE). Not doing so is an attack against meritocracy that will create comparative grievances, because students who make an effort are put on the same level as those who do not. Logically, students who pass the course with failing grades will have little knowledge. Without it, they will not acquire criteria, and without criteria, they will lack critical capacity. Under these conditions, they will be conformist and easily manipulated.

The Withdrawal to an effort-based Education will perpetuate school failure. In the last PISA tests, Spain was the only country in the world that did not appear in the final ranking. In spite of this, the Lomloe does not attempt to rectify anything, but rather to make it even easier to obtain the degree scroll of ESO, of FP and of high school diploma without the need for effort. Another error of the Lomloe is the suppression of the external evaluations with academic value, the revalidations. Since there is no external control of the centers, these will approve the students who have not reached the established minimums, because if they did not, they would go to other centers even more tolerant. Another problem: the students who make an effort, seeing that those who do not, will end up making less effort.

Yes, the Lomloe is going to have "a great transforming impact on the Spanish system educational ", but for different reasons than those initially assumed by its authors. In order to confront this regressive subject impact, an initial and permanent training of teachers and parents in the true values of excellence and equity is urgently needed, at the same time that they discover the inconsistencies and limitations of a law elaborated more by politicians than by pedagogues and psychologists.