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Antonio Aretxabala Díez, , Geologist. Professor of the School of Architecture

The Castor Fault and the Earth

Mon, 19 May 2014 12:20:00 +0000 Published in Diari de Tarragona

It already has a name, it is the Castor Fault, it will go down in Spanish history as one of those scientific discoveries born of chance, as did penicillin, X-rays or the microwave. But the Spanish style offers again an annoying baptism, with eight months of delay is almost blushing. In the informative aspect, our institutions continue to practice an obscure and deficient pedagogy and knowledge dissemination , insulting is a mild adjective.

It is not the first time that something like this happens with the project Castor. Some citizen associations, oil companies, independent scientists and even the Seismological Observatory of the Ebro had already anticipated the conclusions now corroborated by the IGME and the IGN. And the circumstantial evidence here was infallible. In addition, the citizens were also ahead of the warning that not studying the seismic impact was going to bring economic consequences, how much is something that is nothing but a problem of attitude going to cost us?

The Ministry of Industry ordered on September 26, 2013 to stop the injection of cushion gas when too many earthquakes were detected in the area. Whoever wants information about its seismic potential only has to type NCSE in your browser to see the map that qualifies the coast of Tarragona and Castellón as the least seismic in the Mediterranean. The business Escal UGS communicated to the ACN news agency that day that they had already commissioned the study of the reason for so many tremors: "we are confident that the report to be conducted in the IGN, confirm that the earthquakes occur because the platform is built in an area of significant seismic activity. They had been shaking Vinaròs for weeks.

The periodicals collection is cruel, the area is still, together with Valladolid and Vizcaya, the least seismically active in Iberia, and if they really believed that it was an area of significant seismic activity, what was an industry of known seismogenic character doing there? Injecting fluids into the subsoil is already the fashionable way of causing earthquakes: fracking is the leading example, and scientific experience is once again infallible: even areas that are not prone to earthquakes have reacted with violent earthquakes.

We have taken reasonable, though still improvable, measures near areas of known historical seismicity. However, in those areas where we are changing the hydrological, climatic, stress or industrial regime, we have not stopped to think about the effect of our activities. We need to think about it as soon as possible and plan accordingly. We can no longer assume that no damage will result from the reduction and changes in water tables, from the radical modification of hydrological or stress conditions in areas that are not as inert as we thought, thinking in this way to continue with these practices without taking measures that are included in the construction standards.

Iberia is full of faults, faults that precede us in time, that were already shaking before we painted bison in Altamira and that we still do not know. The killer fault of Alhama de Murcia was discovered and baptized in 1979, it only needed 32 years to kill, to cause rich patrimonies to be lost, landscapes modified for life, incurable personal dramas, unrecoverable economic sectors; the communities that did not give importance to seismic safety are affected for years, for decades, sometimes forever.

It is the duty of society in general and of scientists in particular to awaken as much as possible the concern of professionals involved in the design, construction and maintenance of all infrastructure works, whether they are gas injection or others of known seismogenic character, as well as in leaders and planners, so that there is a change of attitude towards the problems that can be generated by their decisions when the state of knowledge is not taken into account in an objective and natural, holistic and participatory way. Our decisions and therefore activities always have an answer. This time it is called Beaver Fault, what will be our next finding?