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Josep-Ignasi Saranyana, School of Theology, University of Navarra, Spain.

The Pope's new book

Sun, 20 Mar 2011 15:15:00 +0000 Published in La Vanguardia

Joseph Ratzinger / Benedict XVI (thus, with both names) has just published the second volume of Jesus of Nazareth, where he studies the mysteries of the life of Christ, from the entrance in Jerusalem, on the eve of the last Passover, to the resurrection. This work refers to his academic courses, although very reworked, because the bibliography adduced comes almost all from the nineties or even the XXI century.

Benedict XVI harmonizes history (here historical criticism) with faith. Both are required and complement each other, so that only in this way can we reach an essential understanding of the person of Jesus and his message. Nevertheless, although it presupposes it, faith has priority over history. For this reason, Ratzinger criticizes the thesis of German historicism, according to which Christianity would have been constituted by the contact of the message of Jesus with the European Greek world. The sources and history reveal, on the contrary, that Christianity is the fullness of revelation to the Jewish people. In Jesus of Nazareth all the promises and expectations of the Jewish people have been fulfilled.

He admires the fact that, with such a heavy load of government, the Pope finds time to follow technical publications and has been able to complete, so far, two volumes of scientific work. He is an example to everyone that faith must be enlightened. He also pays tribute to German culture by presenting to the general public the impressive theological work of these universities over the last two centuries. In doing so, it does justice to Europe and to the intellectual bequest of the old continent.

In a first reading, I would highlight the ninth chapter, dedicated to "the resurrection of Jesus from the dead". Here we can see not only the Holy Father's familiarity with the best Central European exegesis, but also his speculative preparation and his phenomenological training , which allows him to illuminate brilliant solutions to the most debated and difficult topics. We will return to this book, which deserves it.