Fernando Echarri, Ph.D., Education Environmental, University of Navarra, Spain
The value of a diverse world
Today, the 22nd, World Biodiversity Day is celebrated with the goal to remember that biodiversity is a value of humanity that we must respect. The conservation of the multitude of species that cohabit with us is a responsibility for all. On numerous occasions, man seems to forget this duty, causing numerous dangers that threaten our biodiversity. Among them we could mention the modification or disappearance of the spaces where they live, the introduction and propagation of invasive exotic species, the overexploitation of natural resources and pollution. The magnitude of these environmental problems sometimes exceeds our scale of intervention and can lead us to fall into catastrophic or defeatist positions that demotivate us or can lead us to think: what can I do in the face of the scale of these environmental problems? This posture of throwing in the towel is surely not convenient or the most appropriate. Through our individual actions we can do much more than we think. If we are capable of knowing what we have to do, if we all row in the same direction, we can achieve great changes and improvements.
The conservation of biodiversity implies, of course, the conservation of the species that make it up, but also the conservation of the spaces where they live. It is not possible to conserve the capercaillie, the bearded vulture or the bear if there is no suitable, non-degraded territory where they can live. It is not possible to conserve these species if there are no plant or animal species on which they feed or which offer them shelter, i.e., those that are directly involved in their ecology. This is why we can say that the management of the species also implies that of the spaces to which they belong. In this management each of us can also intervene, through our behaviors, through our daily actions. Each one of us can be jointly responsible for helping to avoid polluting so much, to avoid degrading the environment, to avoid introducing non-native species, to avoid using more resources than are really necessary.
At final, one of the keys to the solution to biodiversity loss, formulated as a value, is the respect that each one of us has for our environment, for what is our home at final . Talking about respect is sometimes complicated, although its advantage is that it is an intuitive, empathic value that we identify well because we like to be respected. In simple terms, we could say that it refers to consideration for others, which includes consideration for their right to a clean, well-preserved environment. Respect for biodiversity must take into account the spatial and temporal dimension, since our local actions may have an environmental impact on other geographical areas and may have an environmental impact that will remain over time, affecting future generations. Logically, our behaviors will depend on our values, transmitted in our Education. That is why Education in values, fundamentally in respect, is, as in many other issues, one of the keys to biodiversity conservation.
We currently live in what is called a world of colors, in which interculturality is a reality that is imposed on our society and for which many of us may not be sufficiently prepared. We find it difficult to open our minds to other ways of thinking, to other cultures, to this other form of biodiversity. María Novo, professor at the UNED, develops this idea further and believes that we can hardly work on the conservation of biodiversity in the environment if we are not capable of understanding and respecting the biodiversity that exists in our social environment, for example, that which exists in the classroom.
In the case of Navarra we could say that our land has a high biodiversity, due, among other causes, to the diversity of spaces it presents: different climates and microclimates, geological substrates, soils, reliefs, etcetera. There are many people, institutions and associations working for the conservation of this valuable heritage. But, going deeper into the concept of co-responsibility, we cannot forget that we can also favor its conservation. In this task, our strategies must use several keys such as respect, which also implies solidarity, both intra and intergenerational. They must consider the local level and the global level, the natural environment and the social environment, indissolubly united and, above all, they must go through the I, the we, the here and now.