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Santiago Álvarez de Mon , Professor, IESE, University of Navarra

Praise for social entrepreneurship

Tue, 22 May 2012 14:15:59 +0000 Published in El Mundo (Catalonia)

Among other social entrepreneurs, what do Muhammad Yunus, founder of Grammeen Bank; Cristóbal Colón, president of the La Fageda cooperative, and Jaume Sanllorente, founder and president of Sonrisas de Bombay have in common? Different environments (Bangladesh, Spain, India), different backgrounds (economist, psychologist, journalist), different activities (bank for the poor, manufacture and distribution of milk derivatives for the mentally handicapped, Education for children in the slums of Bombay), it is not difficult to trace a common thread of excellence.

- Crushing realism: Faced with unrealistic utopias that leave a trail of frustration, their proposal for change is based on a diagnosis that is close to the ground.

- Philosophy of work: Through a professional degree program of effort, discipline and perseverance, they find meaning in what they do. They serve a purpose that enriches them as people.

- Humility: They proceed test and error, handling the latter as a stumble
to get up and learn from. A determined attitude does not admit the notion of failure.

- Confidence: Without falling into childish naivety, the anthropology that underlies
their leadership oozes confidence in human beings to excel and achieve their best destiny.

- Independence: They aspire to lead institutions that do not depend on state manna. This is a value that today takes on a special dimension. The crisis is affecting the budgets of financial aid to cooperation, with many organizations struggling to survive.

- Optimism: It is not possible to have an idea, create a product or service, found
a business, from the pessimism that processes life in core topic gloomy and victimizing. An ashen entrepreneur is an intrinsic contradiction.

- Values: Respectful of a rich cultural diversity, they embrace a series of
universal principles that mysteriously stitch the human family together. From that
source moral spontaneously springs their spirit of service.

- Intuition: An entrepreneur observes the landscape, makes a correct composition of the status, analyzes, weighs pros and cons, plans, but in the end he is moved by an ineffable instinct of adventure that escapes the logic of reason. The entrepreneur thinks, studies, reflects, but above all feels, intuits, flows. Rational animal, the heart is the sovereign organ of decision.

It is obvious to say, with what is happening nowadays, how important it is for today's society to have entrepreneurs with this profile. A scarce species in our fauna, it will grow in the years to come. From necessity, a virtue.