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Luis Herrera Mesa, Full Professor emeritus of Environmental Biology of the University of Navarra

Protecting forests to conserve biodiversity

Sun, 22 May 2016 11:25:00 +0000 Published in Navarra Newspaper

International Biodiversity Day will be celebrated on May 22 to commemorate the adoption of agreement on Biological Diversity in 1992. The aim of this celebration is to disseminate the value and significance of biological diversity - species, ecosystems and biomes - for human life, and to highlight the responsibility we have as individuals to preserve the environment, both the physical environment and its natural resources, flora and fauna, and to treat them in a sustainable manner.

Protecting biodiversity should be a concern of different institutions and administrations in order to safeguard, with a sense of responsibility, the various ecosystems and their value, as they constitute an extraordinary wealth for all mankind. Among numerous examples that could be given, it is worth mentioning the importance of the Amazon rainforest, one of the most appreciated natural spaces in the world for its biological diversity, of vital importance for the environmental balance of the entire planet. Forests contribute to maintaining the essential natural balances that are indispensable for life. Their destruction, including that caused by unreasonable arson, accelerates desertification processes with dangerous consequences for water reserves, and endangers the lives of many indigenous peoples and the well-being of future generations. All of us, individuals, institutions and administrations, must feel committed to the protection of forest heritage and, where necessary, promote appropriate reforestation programs.

Climate change makes it necessary to review reforestation policies. Proposals must be analyzed to adapt them to the new climate change scenarios, seeking the most suitable species, adaptable to climate and soil conditions, in order to achieve forest masses that reduce carbon dioxide levels and its greenhouse effect, in accordance with the agreements of the lecture International Conference on Climate Change (COP21) held in Paris last December:Parties should take action to conserve and enhance, sinks and reservoirs of greenhouse gases... including forests... Parties are encouraged to take action on positive approaches and incentives to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation,.... and conservation, and sustainable management of forests, and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in countries at development, as well as alternative approaches, such as those combining mitigation and adaptation for comprehensive and sustainable management of forests (Art. 5 of the UN Paris agreement -COP21-)