Rafael María Hernández Urigüen, professor at ISSA and the School of Engineers - Tecnun
University solidarity with life and with the poor: a yes to the culture of the poor. meeting
Sunday, September 21, was a day of support for motherhood and human life in most of the Spanish capitals, workshop . It has not gone unnoticed the presence of young people who have been able to invest a few hours of that important afternoon in their festive leisure to show their support for the hundreds of thousands of unborn or murdered while they are being born due to the lamentable lack of protection that the human embryo suffers in our country.
In San Sebastian, the rally in front of the town hall yesterday was attended by a large number of university students. At the same time, a small radical group tried to break the peaceful and festive atmosphere of the event, but the young people knew how to keep calm, even, a little later, some of the people concentrated serenely and individually dialogued with some of them.
The slowness in fulfilling the electoral promises of the current Spanish government to change the so-called "abortion law", contrasts with the social clamor in favor of human life and the protection of motherhood among whose voices there is no lack of university students and college students, many of whom spend two months of their summer vacation supporting pro-life associations in New York and other capitals of the world. The youthful dynamism of those who took to the streets yesterday and participate so often in accompanying young mothers to discover a different alternative to abortion, contrasts with the inertia of some politicians fearful of losing votes if they keep their promises of legislative reforms.
Here in San Sebastian, those who defend life are the same young people who during these weeks are promoting the collection of food at the university on the occasion of the imminent beatification of Don Alvaro del Portillo. It is exemplary the activity of university students encouraging their peers to bring various food products that are deposited at entrance of the academic centers. The packages of pasta, rice, cans of canned food on arrival at the university are an eloquent icon and awaken from narcissistic somnolence.
An ethic of caring in solidarity, inspired by the Gospel, more widespread in classrooms and academic centers, will bring renewed oxygen to the culture that is emerging in these first decades of the 21st century. It is urgent to eradicate the discarding of the weak, and to heed the words of Pope Francis who, addressing young people yesterday in Albania, exhorted them: say no to the idolatry of money, no to deceitful individualistic freedom, no to dependence and violence. Say yes, instead, to the culture of meeting and solidarity, yes to the beauty inseparable from goodness and truth; yes to a life given with magnanimity and fidelity in the little things (cf. Angelus, 21 September 2014).