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The 5 pillars for a positive development ... a happy life!


Published in

Diario de Navarra and El Norte de Castilla

Pablo Tabuenca, Paola Alexandria Pinto de Magalhaes, Alfonso Osorio, Maider Belintxon, Ana Ibero, Irene Benko, and Amaya Saiz |

School of Nursing at the University of Navarra


Are we preventing children from exercising their own identity? Are we respecting their development process, their time for play, their need for fantasy, imagination, their right to be a child in this fast-paced society? Are we robbing them of their childhood?

The Search Institute points out that a positive development focuses on the child's well-being1 and has as its goal purpose to enhance the child's capabilities and strengths. For this to happen, personal, family, social, school and community resources are needed to provide the support and experiences necessary for a positive development . The promotion of these resources will enable children and young people to make better decisions, avoid risky behaviors and lead a prosperous life.

Personal assets:
In the first years of life, the strengthening of self-esteem and the development of a child's life purpose depend greatly on parents2 and educators. They should have high but realistic expectations of the child, adapted to the child's possibilities and temperament and avoiding the adult's own preferences or interests. Children must be aware of their intrinsic value as human beings, and that their defects do not define them. To this end, parents and educators must embrace these defects and convey confidence. 

Experts point out that the development of a purpose in life from an early age promotes a positive self-identity. The meaning of life could be divided into three distinct aspects: having a long-term goal ; the commitment related to that goal; and the positive social significance of the goal. The programs of study reflect that the family is a crucial resource for the development of that purpose until adolescence average. Young people with a more defined purpose of life have grown up in homes that from a young age have shown them unconditional love, fostered their autonomy and encouraged them to have new positive experiences. Finally, programs of study recent stresses the importance of fostering children's contact with nature. This allows them to become more sensitive to their smallness and the existence of a world outside of them.

Family assets:
The family is the first context in which the first affective relationships develop and where children learn to respect and establish positive relationships of love and respect for others and for oneself. The programs of study indicate that a healthy family functioning is associated with the happiness of children and young people.

For healthy family functioning to be established, it is essential that parents maintain close and affectionate communication with their children. All family members must listen to each other with respect and understanding and must share experiences and feelings together. This requires attentive listening, avoiding judgmental comments, validating the feelings and needs of others. This strengthens the emotional bonds between family members and contributes to greater well-being. The family should be a safe space where children can feel understood and can express themselves without fear. Parents should tell their children what they have done wrong, but focusing on the action performed, not on the person who performed it.

Finally, the implementation of clear boundaries and the balance between control and freedom allow children and youth to develop autonomy and responsibility...

Social assets:
Children and youth need early exposure to meaningful relationships in the family, high school, neighborhood, etc. This will help children learn to establish meaningful relationships among peers and with adults within and outside the family. Through these positive relationships, children discover who they are and learn to participate in and contribute to the world around them.

Regarding peer relationships, the Search Institute proposes five characteristics core topic for establishing positive relationships: 1) expressing affection, 2) encouraging friends to do things that they really like and are good for them; 3) being supportive, being a confidant and listening friend; 4) sharing power, giving cohesion to the group of friends and preventing anyone from being left out; and 5) expanding possibilities: connecting friends with other friends and/or adults that can be from financial aid or that allow them to learn new things.

School assets:
The high school is one of the most important contexts in a child's development . In addition to guaranteeing an academic training , it has to be a context that promotes a positive development .

The programs of study indicate that a positive school climate promotes the overall well-being of children and youth, improves academic outcomes, facilitates lower levels of stress, loneliness, anxiety and depression, and reduces substance use and aggressive behaviors. A positive climate requires a high school to be committed to academic excellence and to allow positive relationships to develop between faculty and child, and between the child and his or her peers. In addition, the high school must be a safe context for the child physically, socially, emotionally, and cognitively. All of these factors help the child feel connected and part of the high school. The feeling of belonging to the school undoubtedly influences their positive development .

Community assets:
Children develop in a community made up of the neighborhood and people with whom they share recreational activities, which favorably influences their positive development . In this environment, children enjoy different types of recreation, with structured recreation playing a key role by providing activities that promote social skills, discipline and self-esteem. Children feel valued and connected. Through these activities, children take on an active role that strengthens their identity and social engagement. These experiences are crucial to forming an active and engaged citizenry, and financial aid children grow up happy and build meaningful relationships that enrich both their lives and that of the community.

1 When we use the term child we are referring reference letter to boys and girls.

2 When we use the term parents we also refer to fathers and mothers.