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Pablo Blanco Sarto, Professor of the School of Theology at the University of Navarra

Francisco's broom

The Pope's trip to Chile and Peru

Tue, 23 Jan 2018 10:35:00 +0000 Published in La Razón

In Chile, a hurricane; in Peru, a sea of people. Two neighboring countries that show the two faces of Latin America: one ideologized and the other calmer and more welcoming. Each with its own challenges. In Chile the topic-star was the sexual abuses, for which Francis asked for forgiveness. In Peru, the political corruption that reaches high spheres. Corruption, in any case, external and internal. With the Peruvian bishops, Pope Francis had said that of St. Martin de Porres, the mulatto saint, he would keep the broom with which he swept his convent.

Francis admitted that "all Latin America suffers a decadence in subject politics". "Politics is very sick", he stressed, while inviting "not to neglect this world of politics". Above all, "if we fall into the hands of people who only live for corruption, we are toast". But "denunciation is not the only weapon, but also persuasion," the Pope boldly explained. With the same audacity with which he has had to clean up within the Church, be it Karadima or Figari.

Thus, there were also hopeful messages, such as the vocation of young people for the synod next fall or that of the Amazon in 2019. The return to the natural and the supernatural, which we have inscribed in our own being. "I didn't really understand why they were so insistent" the local bishops. "Eight years later came Laudato Sí and I began to understand what the ecological world was, the reserves that are coming down, the importance of the peoples...," Francis said, "...who are subjugated." Therefore, corruption, oppression and pollution come together also in Latin America. And (whatever they say) Francis has taken out the broom in Chile, in Peru and in the whole world.