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Pablo Blanco Sarto, , Professor of Theology School

A new record

Wed, 24 Apr 2013 11:07:00 +0000 Published in La Razón

John Paul II is the Pope of records: 27 years of pontificate, 80,000 pages, 129 countries, 1,340 beatifications, 483 canonizations, 1.7 million kilometers traveled (31 times around the world and 3.23 times the distance between the Earth and the Moon), 400 million people. In addition to getting God to tear down -both of them- the Berlin Wall and the Iron Curtain. Now he has added a new record, which will make him a saint eight and a half years after his death. This record holder of the spirit is now going to get his best result. For a Christian the best goal is to reach heaven.

A canonization is an official recognition by the Church, after a judicial process, that a person is in "the Father's house", as he himself said when he died. Being a saint is something that Vatican II democratized with its doctrine of the "universal call to holiness". That is why John Paul II presided over so many canonizations and beatifications. Now it is his turn. He taught us to sanctify vigor and pain, skiing and Parkinson's, laughter and work, family and celibacy. His suffering witness at the end of his life was also an unforgettable lesson. Pope Francis, "the Latin American Wojtyla", will know how to give him the Latin enhancement that this feast of the whole Church needs. The Pope emeritus will have toasted the new saint with his brother Georg, when they celebrated his feast day.