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Josep-Ignasi Saranyana, Professor of Theology, University of Navarra, Spain School

Benedict XVI, the tiara and the mitre

Sun, 24 Oct 2010 07:55:00 +0000 Published in La Vanguardia

I was tempted to write about the tiara, which appeared without notice on the pontifical coat of arms on Sunday, October 10, and disappeared, also by surprise, the following Sunday. But, as the matter is confusing, I will focus on the mitre, which is still there.

Benedict XVI introduced the episcopal miter into the pontifical heraldry; a miter with the three papal crosses, replacing the tiara with the three crowns. It is obvious that, being a great friend of prophetic signs and gestures, he did not improvise in such a delicate and new matter, and that the topic deserves attention. With the change he wanted to emphasize that the pontiff is the bishop of Rome, and that there is a biunivocal relationship between the pope and the Roman Chair of Peter. He thus reaffirmed the uninterrupted line that unites him to the Prince of the Apostles.

St. Peter had three Chairs. Jerusalem was the first, which was never celebrated liturgically. Antioch was the second, where the faithful first received the name Christian. It is commemorated on February 22. And finally the Chair of Rome. Coming from Antioch, his first see," Benedict XVI recalled, "Peter went to Rome, his see final. This see was transformed into final by martyrdom. In this way he linked his succession to Rome forever".

Thus Rome entered the history of the Church, to shape it from within. Thomas Aquinas pointed out that Romanity is offered as the foundation of the firmness of the Church, because "only the Church of Peter always remained firm in the faith and preserved its vigor, and is free from errors". Melchor Cano also considered that the "Church of Rome" is a theological place "proper and declarative", that is, source main theological argumentation. And Salvador Pié has recently evoked that a peculiar motto of the Catalan creeds, since two centuries ago, is to confess that there are five constitutive notes of the true Church: one, holy, catholic, apostolic and Roman. One more reason to welcome the Holy Father as he deserves, don't you think?