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Rafael Domingo Osle, Full Professor Álvaro d'Ors del Institute for Culture and Society, University of Navarra

Gonzalo Rodríguez-Fraile, Entrepreneur

Ten spiritual tips for coping with coronavirus crisis

Wed, 25 Mar 2020 16:27:00 +0000 Published in CNN English

The coronavirus crisis has changed the lives of hundreds of millions of people of all races, cultures, social positions, religions and beliefs in just a few days. Hundreds of thousands of people have been infected and thousands have died. The numbers are growing and knocking ever more furiously and dramatically on the doors of our homes.

In case they are useful, we would like to share ten spiritual tips in these difficult and complicated times of humanity. The tips are the result of a fruitful virtual conversation.

1. Accept the crisis. Although it is very complicated, especially when infections and deaths affect our own family, a crisis is not personally overcome until it is fully accepted, with all its drama and all its consequences. Acceptance is not a passive or indifferent posture. Acceptance is more than tolerating, enduring or putting up with. Acceptance demands understanding. To accept the crisis leads to understand its convenience for the development staff and collective, as well as to glimpse the many goods that can be derived from it in the short, medium and long term deadline for humanity.

2. The crisis as an opportunity. Acceptance allows us to see the crisis as an opportunity insofar as it implies an abrupt acceleration of the level of individual and collective consciousness, as well as of the pace of growth staff and development of peoples and humanity.

Major crises bring the human machinery to its maximum performance, because each person is required to give the best of himself. Without a deep social crisis, neither Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, nor Oscar Romero would have become true champions of human rights.

3. Spiritualize. The human being can operate from his biological, emotional, rational or spiritual dimension. Crises help the human being to identify with his highest dimension, the spiritual, to find a deeper peace in the midst of truly dramatic situations, to acquire a much more integral knowledge of reality.

The human person is spiritualized - fundamentally - through silence and contemplation, meditation and prayer. Spiritualize financial aid to give more value to the essential than to the accessory, to the eternal than to the temporal, to the spirit than to the subject, to love than to pleasure, to the gratuitous than to the burdensome, to giving than to receiving.

4. Spirit of service. Crises help to multiply acts of service to others because they generate pressing needs. Crises produce a chain multiplication of acts of solidarity among human beings and peoples that strengthens bonds and destinies.

This necessary spirit of service implies taking care of oneself in order to be a good instrument at financial aid for others. Therefore, a correct spirit of service knows how to protect oneself, not selfishly but in solidarity, in order to regain strength and be able to continue with the service.

This is of paramount importance at staff physician. Otherwise, it is easy to fall into burnout, which always leads to an increased social burden.

5. Prudence, not fear. An adequate management of the crisis requires learning to distinguish prudence from fear. Prudence is spiritual and does not consume vital energy; fear is emotional and drains our energy. Prudence in the face of crisis leads us to comply strictly with the indications of the governmental and health authorities that manage it. It is source of peace and always adds up. Fear, on the other hand, paralyzes, subtracts and contributes nothing to the end of the pandemic.

6. Managing uncertainty. The crisis financial aid us to learn to live in moments of uncertainty, which implies a high Degree of detachment staff and withdrawal in divine providence. One of the basic needs of the ego is precisely that desire for control, for security that we all have. This crisis is essentially anti-egoic, because if anything, it shows us that the human being is not in control of the planet, not even of a part of it. Much less of the universe.

7. Taking care of human relationships. The crisis is a great opportunity to improve our human relationships with those closest to us. The confinement to which so many millions of us are subjected forces many people to live with loved ones, sometimes in small spaces and with scarce means.

Confinement generates tension. Respect, good humor, and forgiveness in human relationships make our homes dignified and noble, suitable for family life.

8. Avoid victimhood. It is one thing to be a victim of the coronavirus and another to fall into victimhood. Being a victim of the coronavirus is a fact; victimhood is, on the other hand, an attitude, a way of behaving by unduly assuming the role of victim.

Those who avoid their own responsibility for the coronavirus crisis, those who consider the measures adopted by governments to be authoritarian impositions, those who blame others as potential transmitters while forgetting that they themselves are a risk factor, or those who seek excessive compassion without sympathy for others, are victimizers.

9. Live the present. The crisis financial aid encourages us to live the present with great intensity, without looking back to the past with melancholy or looking forward to the future with anxiety. Living today and now is the best way to make time work and to get the best out of ourselves.

Focusing attention on what you are doing in each moment is a great source of internal and external, individual and collective wealth source .

10. Keep the vital energy high. It is enough to look at a person to see his vital energy level, which has little to do with his physical health or his material well-being. A coronavirus patient who forgives his transmitter, who smiles at the staff health care provider who takes care of him, who isolates himself without considering himself a victim, who takes advantage of his isolation to pray, meditate and unite intimately with others, is squandering vital energy in abundance, like those healthy people who with a smile accept the limitations imposed by the crisis, their own and others' mistakes, or thank the staff health care provider for his courageous efforts with a round of applause every night.

Your smile also contributes to overcome the crisis.