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Javier de Navascués, Full Professor of the School of Philosophy and Letters

Ruth Fine. A Hebrew woman committed to intercultural dialogue between Israel and the Hispanic world.

Tue, 25 Jun 2019 10:39:00 +0000 Published in ABC

Philology Professor Ruth Viviana Fine, born in Argentina (Buenos Aires, 1957) and of Israeli nationality, holds a degree in Latin, Spanish and Hispano-American Studies from the University of Buenos Aires and a PhD from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She currently holds the Chair Salomon & Victoria Cohen Chair in Contemporary Latin America at the same university, one of the most prestigious in the world, and is Director of the high school of Humanities Generals and the European Forum at the same university.

Specializing in literary theory, the work of Jorge Luis Borges, and the narrative of Miguel de Cervantes, she has published more than a hundred programs of study in publishing houses and magazines of international prestige. Among his many books, both his own and in partnership, we can cite La desautomatización en literatura. Its exemplification in El Aleph by J. L. Borges; Cervantes and religions; Faith in the literary universe of Jorge Luis Borges; The literature of the converts after 1492; or Cervantes' biblical recreations

She has been distinguished with several awards, among them, the award of Excellence awarded by the President of her university. In 2013, the Spanish Crown awarded her the Encomienda de la Orden del Mérito Civil for her work in the development of cultural relations between Spain and Israel, and for promote the knowledge of Spanish literature. He has been a member, on several occasions, of the Juries of the award Miguel de Cervantes (2008 and 2011), the highest award of Hispanic Letters. On June 28th, she will be awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Navarra.

As a Hispanist of international prestige, the Royal Spanish Academy, in plenary session on April 21, 2016, elected her a foreign Corresponding Academician, a distinction awarded only to a few foreign figures of extraordinary reputation. 

He has vast experience as a lecturer at universities in Europe and America. At the University of Navarra, which he holds in high esteem and esteem, he has collaborated closely with the group of research Siglo de Oro, the School of Theology and the department of Philology of the School of Philosophy and Letters. 

The Philology, the art of describing and interpreting texts, is the professional activity that Professor Fine has practiced with exemplary rigor and elegance. From the vantage point of her multicultural heritage, which links three continents through Jewish, Spanish and Argentinean culture, she has illuminated the works of the best narrators of literature in Spanish language . Miguel de Cervantes and Jorge Luis Borges illuminated our understanding of the world from their stories full of wisdom and love for language. Professor Fine's programs of study detects both the inner workings of Borges' stories and the foundational and paradoxical value of his religious faith. No less important is her postulation of a deep relationship between the Bible, the culture of the Spanish Golden Age and the universe of Cervantes. Far from superficial interpretations of Spanish history, Professor Fine has demonstrated how familiar the texts of the Old Testament could be to the cultured readers of the Golden Age. She has done so with the seriousness of the philologist who seeks the knowledge without committing himself to ideological appropriations or justifications that should only be sought in the texts themselves. His scientific seriousness, backed by a solid theoretical reflection, is an example of intellectual honesty. 

The Philology allows us to open ourselves to experiences different from our own. To read the great writers and delve into them is to build bridges. Bridges between cultures and intellectual interests: this is the background of the intellectual work of Professor Fine. Hebrew by religion, she maintains an attitude of respect and sincere appreciation for the Catholic Church and its institutions. This alone explains her appreciation for the Hispanic literary heritage and her belonging to Judaism. Two traditions and two loves, the Hispanic and the Hebraic, which she has shown that they are not incompatible, but that, over and above the painful paradoxes of history, they should lead us to dialogue and mutual enrichment.