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In praise of sanity


Published in

Alpha and Omega

Ricardo Piñero Moral

Full Professor of Aesthetics, professor of the Master's Degree in Christianity and Contemporary Culture and Director of the Institute Core Curriculum

The difference between discussion and dialogue lies in something more perceptible than the decibel level. That difference lies in the fact that those who engage in dialogue intend to say something, but they also expect to hear the other's word, they expect to receive the message of those who are in front of them, but with whom they are not in confrontation. True dialogue is nourished by the coming and going of ideas, of proposals, it is fed by the back and forth that requires confronting different, but not excluding, approaches. The truth is that the political climate in our societies is more at the service of shouting and insults than of argument and logic. The feeling that this can produce in citizens is not only one of sadness, but much worse, of hopelessness.

Our way of life is capable of undertaking and facing many difficulties. Human beings have specialized in generating solutions to problems that come our way, and also to those that we ourselves generate, but for that we need an energy that is nourished by confidence, serenity and even a certain generosity. To think of a society without pressing problems is not only utopian, but above all unrealistic. We are not here for fairy tales, but to face with a minimum of responsibility those things that are absolutely necessary for our existence to be worthy of who we are.

It seems that the world can be divided into two halves, whose dividing line is not the one drawn by parallel 0, what we used to call the equator as children. Today the world is divided between those people who can have a good life in the place where they were born, and those for whom it is impossible to live in peace, work, eat, dress, enjoy a home, be able to educate their children in freedom, and other such minutiae.

Economic logic can never impose itself on a fact as overwhelming as it is moving. We must recover our sanity and re-member - return to the heart - that what we call humanity possesses an inviolable, intrinsic, non-transferable dignity in each and every one of the people who compose it. It is this sanity that must lead us to act and to recognize that those of us who allow things not to change, who allow policies that segregate and condemn those who struggle for a dignified life to remain in our states, are not only unsupportive, but have lost not only our heads, but also our hearts.

The root of solidarity is not in the fruit that it generates, that which we could call 'welfare', but in what is hidden. Let us see if among so much shouting, among so much hypocrisy of one and the other, we do not forget that our Father sees in what is hidden, and your Father who sees in what is hidden will reward you, he will make your life a fraternity, which is one of the most beautiful names of happiness.