Gerardo Castillo Ceballos, Professor Emeritus of the School of Education and Psychology of the University of Navarra.
Youth rebelliousness: defect or virtue?
To rebel is to oppose something established by rule or by custom. As the motives and forms of rebellion can be very different in each case, there is no rebellion, but rebellions and rebels.
Traditionally, rebelliousness has been considered only as a defect, by overemphasizing the meaning of one of its meanings: insubordination, contempt and defiance of authority. On the other hand, another meaning is hardly ever mentioned: "Rebel is also called the unruly, hard, strong and tenacious". It is understood that these attitudes are linked to some good that is to be preserved or defended.
In early adolescence, rebelliousness is a trait of immaturity open to a possible later maturity that can reach the category of virtue.
The attitude of rebellion is ambivalent: it can be produced with cause and without cause; for something worthwhile or for something unimportant; to help or to obtain an advantage staff (one's own convenience); as a reaction from insecurity or as a function of some value.
Rebelliousness arises at puberty (12-14 years old) as a defense mechanism of an insecure personality that needs to assert itself. It is born from the fear of acting after leaving the dependence of childhood. Moments of naive arrogance alternate with moments of self-absorption. It is a "regressive" rebelliousness. The adolescent, on some occasions, loses self-confidence and feels nostalgia for childhood, to which he returns mentally.
An example of the incoherent rebelliousness of the adolescent:
-Let me make it clear: I am no longer a child! I am an adult capable of making my own decisions and solving my problems on my own. So mom, pack my bags, because I can't live in this house anymore.
In adolescence average (14-16 years) there is an internal or personality crisis that manifests itself as radical nonconformity. It can lead to aggressive attitudes. The adolescent feels bad inside and projects his dissatisfaction against parents and teachers. It is the "aggressive rebelliousness", which is "typical of the weak person, of those who do not know how to bear the harshness of daily life and try to alleviate their suffering by making others suffer. It is expressed in a violent way". (Yela, M.) .
In some cases it evolves towards transgression. The "transgressive rebellion" goes directly against the norms of society, family and school, for the simple pleasure of breaking them. It may have been provoked both by the influence of an environmental subculture and by errors in the family Education , especially parental authoritarianism and indifference.
I know a father who, after recognizing that he was not devoting time to his rebellious son, wanted to rectify the situation:
-My son, I would like to spend more time with you. Will you accept me as a Facebook friend and follow me on Twitter?
Up to this point, the immature rebelliousness of insecurity, typical of those who do not yet know what they want in life. On the other hand, in the higher adolescence or juvenile age (from 17 years old), phase of the "awakening of the better self" and of the great ideals, a more evolved rebelliousness tends to emerge.
This rebelliousness has been called "progressive". It is the one that "is felt as a duty rather than a right. It is not characteristic of the frightened, nor of the weak, nor of the amoral. It is, on the contrary, the sign of the one who dares to live, but wants to live with dignity; of the one who knows how to bear the weight of reality, but not of injustice; of the one who accepts the rules of men, but discusses and criticizes them in order to improve them" (Yela).
It is a constructive rebellion against disloyalty, hypocrisy, lack of solidarity, social injustice, lack of respect for nature and human life.
For Marañón, rebelliousness is the duty and fundamental virtue of youth. The rebellious attitude should be shown in private life as well as in public life: "Since the present state of society is a transitory structure in need of constant renewal, the legitimate driving force of this change must be youth. With the years, the spirit becomes hardened to injustices; one ends up accepting what was incomprehensible when one was young".
In a permissive society the best rebellion is the internship of the virtues. The virtues of sobriety are a rebellion against the consumerist environment; the virtues of chastity and modesty are a rebellion against the escalation of eroticism.