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Fco. Javier Laspalas Pérez, department de Education, University of Navarra

Changing our priorities

Sat, 30 Jun 2012 07:18:09 +0000 Published in Navarra Newspaper, Today, Las Provincias, La Verdad, La Rioja

The Minister of Education has just presented his new law on teaching. The details and how it will be applied remain to be known, but it seems to be in line with what was announced and its main lines are sensible: reinforcement of basic subjects, improvement of language learning, prudent diversification of Compulsory Secondary Education, promotion of the professional training , encouragement of the autonomy of the centers, although subject to accountability, and greater linkage of scholarships with academic results.

However, it should not be forgotten that it is not the legal norms that change the Education, but the attitudes and behavior of those who carry it out. Also, our school system has been moving in the wrong direction for decades. Things will only improve if, after an examination of conscience, we change our priorities.

We need children and young people who set realistic goals that lead them to make the most of their qualities. Parents interested in their children's training , but willing to accept and transmit that grades, places and resources should be allocated on the basis of merit. Teachers with vocation, well prepared and willing to improve, even in spite of the lack of economic or labor incentives. Teaching centers with a clear and shared project educational , but adaptable to the characteristics of different students. Managers capable of inspiring, uniting, coordinating and guiding their members. Tools for assessment, which can be used to detect deficiencies and try to correct them. Also to know which schools obtain the best results, but above all, in which schools the most learning is done in the least amount of time.

None of this is improvised or a one-day event, but is the result of a long and persevering effort in which we should all get involved. If we do so, it is quite possible that we will achieve much more with less investment.