Javier Gil Guerrero, PhD in History and researcher of project 'Religion and Civil Society' of Institute for Culture and Society.
The migration crisis in Europe: responsible for action and omission
The consequences of our actions end up knocking at the door. In Europe's case, it is hundreds of thousands of refugees and migrants crowded at its borders. The migration crisis of recent months, an unprecedented event since the end of World War II, is in part a consequence of Europe's actions (and omissions) in recent years. The current status could not have happened without the conflicts in Ukraine, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Yemen.
In all of them Europe has been involved to a greater or lesser extent Degree. With respect to Ukraine, Europe whipped up the social protests that brought down the corrupt pro-Russian government. However, when Putin responded by invading Crimea and encouraging an insurgency in the eastern provinces, Europe failed to respond adequately to the needs of the new Ukrainian government it had helped to create. Like result, Ukraine has been left at the mercy of Russian aggression and embroiled in a ruinous conflict with pro-Russian insurgents.
In the case of the Arab countries, which are the real core of the migration problem currently facing Europe, Western irresponsibility in the current crisis was to stimulate the so-called Arab Spring. In the "model" case of Yemen, diplomatic mediation by the US and Europe led to the removal of the country's strongman. The result was a power vacuum and civil war. In Libya, Europe intervened directly with an air campaign and naval blockade that aided the overthrow of Qaddafi. However, once the dictator was deposed, Europe and the US left the scene. When the civil war broke out in Libya, Europe did not decisively support the side against the Islamists. The result has been the prolongation of the conflict for years. Something similar happens in the case of Syria, where Europe and the U.S. supported the protests against the Assad regime. But when the revolts turned into civil war, support for dissidents never materialized. In desperation, many Syrian rebels had no choice but to throw themselves into the arms of the Islamist insurgency while the moderate sector was strangled for lack of external support.
In Iraq, the status was beginning to stabilize thanks to the massive U.S. military and civilian presence ordered by Bush in the last years of his term. But when Obama decided to withdraw all troops in 2011, before the status had fully stabilized, the country quickly descended into the sectarian conflict it had managed to avoid until then. Afghanistan is on track to repeat the case of Iraq. Because of political decisions in Europe and the US not linked to the needs and the status on the ground, the withdrawal of troops continues to accelerate with a consequent increase in Taliban insurgency activities.
The long duration of the conflicts and their metastasis have led to a massive exodus of the affected populations. But not all the responsibility for the current status lies with the West.
How many Syrian refugees have the Persian Gulf countries offered to take in: none. Europe's reluctance to provide asylum to the thousands of refugees and the dysfunctional response of the various members of the Union with regard to the arrival of immigrants should not obscure another more striking and scandalous fact: the passivity of Muslim countries, especially the monarchies of the Persian Gulf, in helping to alleviate the serious status of refugees. This fact is even more scandalous when one considers the wealth of these countries, their geographical proximity to Syria and their responsibility in the conflict - it is worth remembering that the Gulf countries finance and deliver weapons to various militias.
With the exception of some countries neighboring Syria and Iraq, particularly Lebanon - where refugees make up a quarter of the country's total population - Jordan and Turkey, no other Muslim country in the area has opened its borders to refugees or earmarked significant money to assist them.
When it comes to helping to alleviate the hardship of their Muslim brothers (be they Palestinians, Iraqis, Syrians, Afghans or Yemenis), the patron saint is always the same: indifference and closed borders. As long as the solidarity of the Gulf countries ignores the refugees, the drama will persist. As long as Europe encourages political change abroad and then refuses to decisively support the creation of strong institutions in these countries, the tragedy will continue.