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More leaders and less 'cracks


Published in

Diario de Navarra

Gerardo Castillo Ceballos

School of Education and Psychology

Leadership does not happen in a vacuum, but in a framework of relationships between people, within a social structure and in a specific status . For Lee Hamilton, leadership is a process of persuasion by which a leader induces other people to pursue objectives. Leaders make things happen, things that otherwise would not happen. Authentic leadership is not recognized simply by the mobilization of the masses and the attainment of many followers. This characteristic is also found in autocratic leadership, which omits enquiry to subordinates.

The participation of the members of group in decision making is proper to democratic leadership. This participation is not an end in itself, but a means to seek the common good. Currently, there are too many authoritarian bosses and not enough inspirational leaders in companies. The new labor reality needs people who know how to develop the potential, talent and creativity of their collaborators. Today there is an abundance of politicians, rulers, executives and managers oriented to their own interests, but there is a lack of true leaders at the service of the common good.

I believe that this status derives from the excess of individualism and the technical preparation of the new generations, where more importance has been given to technical skills than to human skills. The idea has been transmitted that each person must be self-sufficient to be successful. In my opinion, what is needed in all areas is more leaders and fewer cracks. The crack stands out individually for his or her talent and is capable of generating value in an organization without needing the rest of the team. On the contrary, a leader seeks the common good of the organization, not just his success staff. The leader knows how to surround himself with people who are better than he is; he knows how to put his talents at the disposal of a joint mission statement . The leader generates auctoritas, socially recognized power, and not by being the most gifted in each of the human abilities in front of others, but by an inner disposition of submission and service to a greater good. Coherence is very characteristic of the leader.

Drucker points out that the leaders he observed underwent the "mirrortest ", a self-assessment with which they made sure that the person they saw in the mirror in the morning was the class person they wanted to be, respect and believe in. In this way they fortified themselves against the greatest temptations of leadership: doing what meets with general approval rather than what is right. The capabilities required to exercise leadership well can be encompassed in one: taking initiative, managing, call, promote, incentivizing, motivating and evaluating a group in the achievement of shared goals. Taking initiative in the realization of a project is usually preceded by a vision of the future that drives the leader to do great things at any cost and without holding back in the face of challenges. A magnificent example of leadership is that of the explorer Ernest H. Shackleton, who in 1914 led the Antarctic expedition, with the goal to cross the frozen continent from the North Pole to the South Pole.

The plan was to approach the continent in the ship Endurance, but an unexpected drop in temperature caused the sea water to freeze completely, trapping the ship in the ice. Shortly thereafter it sank, so Shackleton ordered to retreat northward by sledge. That meant changing goal and exercising leadership in a new status : work team in times of adversity. As the expedition was off the known sea routes, rescue came in 1916, two years after departure. How is it possible to understand that the 28 castaways of the expedition survived for two years the harsh conditions they had to endure, abandoned to their fate among the Antarctic ice? The Endurance expedition demonstrated the strength of men when they find leaders who know how to motivate them and transmit hope. Shackleton's feat continues to be studied as model of leadership and work teamwork in situations of adversity.