24 | 02 | 2017
On the task of Catholic-inspired universities and schools
Ramiro Pellitero
Professor of Theology
Posted in:Religion Confidential
01 | 02 | 2019
Engineering in the fight against cancer
Carlos Ortiz de Solórzano Aurusa
Full Professor of the Escuela de Ingenerios e researcher del CIMA
Posted in:Newspapers of group Vocento
Heritage and identity (8) A series of engravings of the kings of Pamplona and Navarre
Ricardo Fernández Gracia
Director of the Chair of Navarrese Heritage and Art
Published in:Diario de Navarra
01 | 07 | 2015
Family and ecology
Posted at:www.cope.es
04 | 10 | 2016
The cell recycling system
María Jesús Moreno
Professor of Physiology and Researcher of research center in Nutrition. School of Pharmacy and Nutrition.
09 | 11 | 2015
Rich brain, poor mind
Javier Bernácer María,
researcher from group 'Mente-cerebro'. Institute for Culture and Society (University of Navarra)
12 | 02 | 2017
What do we do with contemporary architecture?
Jorge Tárrago Mingo
Professor at the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra, Spain
12 | 04 | 2018
A society with a crisis of values or a loss of virtues?
Gerardo Castillo Ceballos
Professor at the School of Education and Psychology at the University of Navarra.
Posted in:El Digital
05 | 02 | 2014
The pro-life movement and public opinion
Francisco Javier Pérez Latre,
Professor of the School Communication
28 | 10 | 2016
speech political: war of metaphors
Manuel Casado Velarde
Full Professor of language Española. Institute for Culture and Society University of Navarra
Posted in:ABC