14 | 05 | 2012
Fighting fraud at any cost?
Javier Saenz de Olazagoitia Diaz de Cerio
D. in Law and professor at the University of Navarra, partner of Sánchez Pintado&Núñez Abogados.
Published in:La Razón
09 | 05 | 2012
Moneo, an example of effort and behavior
Manuel Blasco
Professor of department of Projects, technical school of Architecture, University of Navarra, Spain
Published in:Diario de Navarra
Towards a failed state?
Jordi Rodríguez Virgili
Professor of Legal Institutions, University of Navarra, Spain
10 | 05 | 2012
Architecture and environment
Miguel López Remiro
Director of the Museum of the University of Navarra
11 | 05 | 2012
Promoting social entrepreneurship
Alberto Fernández Terricabras
Professor at IESE, University of Navarra
Posted in:ABC
Lorca, one year later
Antonio Aretxabala Díez
Geologist and professor of Building, University of Navarra
Published in:Las Provincias
22 | 04 | 2012
Workers spied on
Juan Tomas Rodríguez Arano.
Lawyer and Professor of Labor Law, University of Navarra, Spain
Posted in:Regional group Vocento
03 | 05 | 2012
And that's two
Nicolás Zambrana
Professor of International Private Law, University of Navarra
30 | 04 | 2012
What cannot be cannot be
Isabel Rodríguez Tejedo
Professor of Economics, University of Navarra
20 | 04 | 2012
Why does Spain excite but not convince?
Reyes Calderón
Dean of the School of Economics, University of Navarra