

Aplicaciones anidadas


Aplicaciones anidadas

podcast-Profesión como servicio. Sobre lo mucho que nos debemos los unos a los otros-texto

Profession as service. About how much we owe to each other.

José María Torralba

José María Torralba

The profession as a social service: all jobs serve as financial aid to others and dignify the people who perform them. The pandemic brings with it, therefore, a change of paradigm and of an elitist and utilitarian vision of the professions, we now value all workers and we do it from a more solidary perspective than ever, recognizing their contribution.

The worldwide discussion generated by the philosopher Michael Sandel about the shortcomings of meritocracy, presents positively "all that we owe to each other", an attitude where gratitude, humility and work as a team become pieces core topic for the good development of a profession. The power of professionals to transform a society has become evident in this crisis and hopefully this supportive vision of work presented by the pandemic will remain forever.

podcast-Profesión como servicio. Sobre lo mucho que nos debemos los unos a los otros-texto2

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Table of contents:

1'40" - New perspectives on the value of work and the dignity of all people.

3'50" - From the utilitarian vision of professions to solidarity.

7'15" - The recognition that workers deserve.

10'20"- The value of health professionals and researchers.

11'45"- Thank you and work as a team.

13'25" - Criticism of liberalism and theory on work by Michael Sandel, famous philosopher of Harvard University.

14'45" - The worldwide discussion on meritocracy, generated by Sandel.

17'15"- Ethics in business or the transforming power of work: focal points of research at the University of Navarra.

19'18"- Teachers, part of core topic to train well-qualified professionals of the future with a sense of ethics and social service.

21'40" - Keep this bequest on the vision of work left to us by the pandemic.