
In the shoes of... Carmen Tabuenca


27 | 11 | 2024


As a child, Carmen Tabuenca, a 5th year student of the double Degree in Chemistry and Biochemistry , was always a student of Letters. She even dreamed of becoming a writer, but at high school, she switched to area for Science.

Carmen has just received the award WONNOW for her transcript academic, professional, staff and social trajectory. The award, promoted by CaixaBank and Microsoft, seeks to recognize female excellence in university Degrees .

Before living "50 lives of 20 years", Carmen prefers to "live a life of 1,000" and enjoy the mountains, eating cheesecake without jam. Today we put ourselves in her shoes!

1. How did you hear about the WONNOW Awards?
The University sent us an email announcing the call, a friend encouraged me to apply and I decided to give it a try.

2. How do you feel about being the winner of this seventh edition?
I am very happy and very surprised, because it was something I did not expect. It is a huge opportunity for my professional future, now that I am about to finish degree program.

3. A reference in the world of science?
Margarita Salas, for her role as disseminator and researcher.

4. What word defines you?

5. Cheesecake with or without jam?
Without jam (laughs).

6. Favorite corner of campus?
The road from Hexagon Building to Castaños. It looks beautiful at sunrise.

7. Movie you would have liked to star in?
Marie Curie.

8. Favorite villain?
The Beast, who is good at the end.

9. Fork or spoon?
Spoon, 100%.

10. What is your spiritual animal?
The eagle, so I can fly and see things from above.

Carmen Tabuenca Shoes

11. Do you have a toc?
Yes, before I start to study, everything has to be squared and tidy.

12. Are you team currusco?
No, zero.

13. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I would love to be a university professor. Combine research with teaching.

14. Favorite Christmas movie?
The Legend of Santa Claus.

15.Pringles or Lays?
Lays, I don't like Pringles at all.

16. Beach or mountain?
Ugh, how difficult... Mountain.

17.Nesquick or Cola Cao?
Cola Cao.

18. Christmas carols by Mariah Carey or Michael Bublé?
Mariah Carey is a classic... but I'll go with Michael Bublé.

19. German Shepherd or Dalmatian?
German Shepherd.

20. Would you rather not eat breakfast or dinner?
No dinner. I think it's horrible to skip breakfast.

21. Live a life of 1,000 years or live 50 lives of 20 years?
Live a life of 1,000 years.

22.Issue , odd or even?

23. Having insomnia or sleeping deeply with nightmares?
Deep sleep with nightmares.

24. The University of Navarra is...
Perseverance and service to others.