1. What led you to participate in the Innovation Factory Hackathon?
When I received an email with the information, I saw that it was an opportunity to get out of my field programs of study and I decided to participate along with my roommates, Luis Neira and Gonzalo Vidal, from 1st year Biochemistry .
2. Did you expect to win?
Not at all. We wanted to have fun and work as a team, no matter the result.
3. How would you define the experience?
It is a very enriching experience. We got together 200 students, so it felt like we were inside a creative oven.
Burger or pizza?
5. What would you like to change?
I would like to revive Literature with my group of friends.
6. Changing the world starts with...
Each one of us.
7. One fear.
8. One pet peeve.
I'm very square. Unforeseen events throw me off.
Film or series?
Series. "Breaking bad.
10. Living in dystopia or apocalypse?
Dystopia, to see how it works in depth.
11. Historical character you would trade for one day.
Miguel de Cervantes, my favorite writer.
12. "Harry Potter" or "Lord of the Rings".
"Lord of the Rings", clearly.
13. What did you have for breakfast this morning?
Toast with tomato and a Cola Cao.
14. A song that can't be missing in your playlist.
"Cielito lindo", by the tuna. I love the tuna.
15. Something that makes your day?
Seeing the people I love and sharing moments with them.
Beach or mountain?
17. Favorite dessert?
Day or night?
19. What would you say to your "me" of 1st degree program?
That he doesn't know everything that is coming... That the road ahead is going to be spectacular.
20. The University of Navarra is...
An opportunity to grow.