
In the shoes of... Ignacio Otaño

In the shoes of

07 | 02 | 2022


Ignacio is from Zumaya, Guipuzcoa, and this is his fifth year at the University. He finished last year design, but has stayed working at School of Architecture with a scholarship PIE. Today we get to know him a little better.

  1. Why did they nominate you?
    It looks like they wanted to see what my favorite song was.

  2. For the third coffee of the day?
    It's chocolate. The third one was already too much...

  3. Why did you choose the School as your favorite corner of the University?
    Because I associate the University with the School. All these years I have been here.

  4. Of course, because you have studied design, and now what do you do at the University?
    I organize events and exhibitions and manage the School's spaces. The most gratifying thing is when people like the exhibitions we put up at entrance hall.

  5. What surprised you most when you arrived in first grade
    The school building, without a doubt. I really liked the idea of being divided into three floors and from each one you can see the others.

  6. A book: The last one I read was 50 palos, by Pau Donés. A movie: Green book. A song: Slow Dancing in a Burning Room, by John Mayer. Not to repeat with another one from network Hot.

  7. Who do you admire?
    My little brother. I've watched him grow up and I'm proud to see what he's doing in life.

8. What inspires you?
Stories of overcoming adversity in sports. Rafa the other day, for example, what a guy!

9. Xabier said very opportunely that he would have a coffee with Rafa Nadal. And you?
With Juan Carlos Unzué, because of the status he is living. In the end, we are a bit comfortable... I'm sorry I found out about tomorrow's talk late, I'll watch it when it's recorded.

10. A historical figure you would have liked to meet
ANikola TeslaTesla, for being one of the greatest geniuses who ever lived.

11. What would you take to a desert island
A friend. With an object you can do interesting things, but if you don't have someone by your side you go crazy.

12. Today is the 2nd of the 2nd of 2022. Where do you see yourself on 3/3/2033?
Anywhere, working in a business of design. But I also don't rule out that I will end up doing something that has nothing to do with what I have studied. I still don't know what I'm going to do in 4 months....

13. Who do you nominate?
Irene de Dios, who is doing the Master's Degree in research, development e Innovación de Medicamentos de la School de Farmacia.