
In the shoes of... Inés Santorromán

In the shoes of

21 | 02 | 2022


Inés Santorromán arrived four years ago from Calahorra to study nursing. She is about to finish the degree program, and has made time between the TFG and her internship at the hospital to meet with us.

  1. Did you come with prepared questions?
    I've had another look at the previous interviews hahahaha. But not much either.

  2. Why have you chosen the Science walkway as your favourite corner of the University?
    At Library Services and in this area is where I have spent the most time. And the sunset here is not bad at all.

  3. What surprised you the most when you arrived at the University?
    I went from a class of 25 people to one of 140, but that didn't mean I became just another student. I have always felt very much loved at the university.

  4. A book. The Shadow of the Wind, by Zafón. A film: Until the last man. A song: Stand by me, by Oasis.

  5. Which person would you have a coffee with today?
    It's a shame they've already said Nadal... but I'd say Dani Rovira, because of his story of overcoming adversity.And what would be the first thing you'd ask him? Where does he get his humour from?

  6. What inspires you?
    Music and people. Everyone has something to tell and that's very inspiring.

7. What are you going to do next year?
I really like Oncology, and I would like to specialise in that. But I still have to decide.

8. Do you get a bit dizzy?
A bit, yes. At university you're very sheltered... now you have to fend for yourself.

9. A historical figure you would have liked to know
I've studied piano all my life, and I've always been told about Clara Schumann. Her husband is better known, but now it's becoming clear that she was a great virtuoso.

10. How would you like to change the world
Changing the world is complicated, but I guess by making people see that there are things beyond the superficial. The degree program has made me realise that caring for people is very important, and showing people that would be great.

11. Where would you like to be in 10 years?
Working or doing research in oncology. There have been great advances in this field lately and I would love to be part of it.

12. Who do you nominate?
Nicolás Montón, from the first year of Law and Business Administration.