

Aplicaciones anidadas


Aplicaciones anidadas

podcast-¿Qué esperan mis hijos de mí?-texto

What do my children expect from me?

Dr. Adrian Cano

Dr. Adrian CanoLove and donation for life: this is what children expect from their parents. The health crisis has led to a greater cohabitation of families, of people living in the same household. But quantity is not always synonymous with quality. In this podcast, we analyze what the pandemic has meant for families and whether it has changed the role of fathers and mothers and their relationship with their children. Dr. Adrian Canodirector of the Family Therapy Unit from department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology at the Clinica Universidad de Navarrawill talk about the challenges and opportunities that the pandemic has brought to homes. But above all, he will talk to us about the deep meaning of parenthood, the rights of children, the pillars on which to help them in their development staff respecting their freedom, among other issues.

podcast-¿Qué esperan mis hijos de mí?-texto2

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Table of contents:

Table of contents:

1"30 - Effects of the crisis on the family environment. 

3'00" - Types of families that have been strengthened and the most vulnerable.

4'20" - Do children expect different things from their parents now? 

5'20" - What it means to be a parent. 

7'00" - Children's rights.  

8'25" - San Jose, model of paternity.

9'35" - The 4 pillars to educate in freedom. 

13'15" - Problems in the relationship with children.

15'10" - Unlimited love for children.