

Aplicaciones anidadas


Aplicaciones anidadas

podcasts-Y después, ¿qué? El duelo-texto

And then what? The duel

Dr. Marina Martínez

The loss of a loved one always generates a state of sadness and a feeling of emptiness. Bereavement often entails a change in people's normal lives, and is manifested by physical and psychological symptoms, which usually disappear a year or two years after the loss. The extraordinary status health crisis has also modified grief, because deaths occur under different circumstances. Dr. Martinez recommends how to cope with the death of family and friends during the pandemic, and when to ask financial aid to medical specialists to overcome grief. 



podcasts- Y después , ¿qué? El duelo-texto2

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Table of contents:

2"00" - What is grief? 

2'45" - Motives that aggravate suffering.

5'00" - The duel at status pandemic. 

7'00" - Physical and psychological symptoms.  

8'15" - When to order financial aid extraordinary.

10'40" - How to help a bereaved person.

12'00" - Is the duel completely over?