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Eleven companies from Navarre have signed the UN Global Compact on social responsibility

The representative of this pact in Spain, Isabel Garro, gave a lecture at lecture at the University of Navarra.

01/02/11 15:49
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Isabel Garro. PHOTO: Manuel Castells

lecture The general director of the Spanish network of the United Nations Global Compact on Social Responsibility, Isabel Garro, gave a presentation at the University of Navarra in which she informed that the Ten Principles of this pact have been signed by eleven entities in Navarra, 1,160 in Spain and 9,000 in 135 countries.

"The Spanish network is the largest in the world," said Isabel Garro, at a lecture entitled "Socially responsible companies and institutions", which was attended by attendance students and professors from the center, as well as representatives from the business world of Navarre.

"It is important how companies make profits, how they employ staff, how they reduce their impact on the environment, how they avoid discrimination, how they collaborate to fight corruption," said the expert, who believes that respect for the principles of the Pact commits companies to socially responsible behavior manager.

"Corporate social responsibility should not be understood as social action but as a way of doing business ethically. It is about making money, but also prestige and reputation," he said. 

The eleven companies from Navarra that have joined the Global Compact are Arbuniés y Lekunberri Asociados, ARIAN Construcción y management de Infraestructuras, Caja Navarra, Congresos Navarra, Conservas Carcar, Globalocal Comunicación, Miguel Rico y Asociados Holding, Navarest, Pauma, Sociedad Cooperativa de teaching San Cernin and TAFAME.

Social responsibility in times of crisis

Joan Fontrodona, director of the Center for Business in Society at the IESE Business School of the University of Navarra, also spoke at lecture, in which he stated that "the first social responsibility of companies in times of crisis is to maintain jobs work".

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