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Ten University master's degrees are among the best in Spain, according to the "ranking" of "El Mundo".

In first place are the postgraduate programs in Nutrition, research and development+I of Medicines, Political Communication, Educational and Psychological Intervention, and Fashion Business Management.

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Students of Master's Degree of the University of Navarra. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
20/06/18 15:59 Maria Salanova

Ten master's degrees from the University of Navarra are among the best of its specialization program in Spain, according to the latest ranking of postgraduate programs published today by "El Mundo". The newspaper analyzes the opinions of more than 800 experts and lists the 250 best programs, selected from more than 1,000 degrees offered by universities and other centers.

Of the ten master's degrees included this year, five occupy first place. This is the Master's Degree in research, development and Innovation of Medicines, of the School of Pharmacy, which leads once again this year the specialization program of Pharmacy. With more than 25 editions, the ranking underlines that 100% of its students obtain a employment in the first six months, in pharmaceutical laboratories, in the Spanish Medicines Agency or in research centers.

In addition, the Master's Degree European Nutrition and Metabolism (E-MENU) leads the ranking on the area Food. The newspaper refers to the completion of the work Fin de Master's Degree in different European universities, such as Bordeaux or Maastricht.

The Master's Degree in Political and Corporate Communication, which includes a one-week stay in Brussels, one month in Washington and three months in the city where the internship is assigned, and the Master's Degree in Educational and Psychological Intervention, which provides, according to this study, "a rigorous training in the field of psycho-educational intervention", also remain in the top positions.            

In addition, the Master's Degree in Fashion Business Management, taught by ISEM, is ranked first in Spain. It is a "unique executiveMaster's Degree " in this field, with faculty from IESE, other centers of the University of Navarra and prestigious international schools.

In second place in the ranking are Master's Degree in design Architectural, Master's Degree in management of Communication Companies and Master's Degree in Law of business. Finally, the Master's Degree in advisory service Fiscal is in third place in its specialization program, and in fourth place, climbing one place, the Master's Degree in Economics and Finance.

IESE, contribution to development of business management around the world

"El Mundo" also includes a complete MBA guide , highlighting IESE with its Full-Time MBA, Executive MBA and Global Executive MBA programs. The newspaper underlines that, almost 60 years after its foundation, the school has more than 40,000 students alumni from more than 100 countries and campus in Barcelona, Madrid, Munich, New York and Sao Paulo. With programs in Europe, North America, South America, Africa and Asia, taught by professors from more than 30 countries, its contribution to the development of business management on the African continent, where it has established three new business schools, stands out.



