Institute for Culture and SocietyParticipation in activities in other centers and universities (February 2021)
ICS researchers and collaborators participated in online activities organized by institutions in Belgium, Canada, Spain, the United States, Latvia, Luxembourg, Mexico and Sweden.
01 | 03 | 2021
Emotional culture and identity
Inés Olza attended virtually as speaker invited to the course 'Spanish Linguistics: speech and health' at the Catholic University of Leuven with the communication 'The metaphorical conceptualization of the coronavirus pandemic' (Leuven, Belgium, 18/02/2021).
Esther Linares offered the discussion paper 'Gender Construction Through Humorous Irony in Stand-Up Comedy' at the 11th Humor Research Conference organized by Texas A&M University-Commerce (Commerce, USA, 02/27/2021).
Public discourse
Eleonora Esposito gave the lecture 'Online Hate Against Women in Politics: a Techno-Social Phenomenon' during the 1st I Am Here International Conference: Making Social average A Better Place: Countering Online Hate Speech and Disinformation, (Stockholm, Sweden, 01/02/2021).
Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality
Carlos Beltramo participated in the 16th meeting of Culture Centers 'Vocation to love and the utopia of the neutral of the Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla with 'The crisis of marriage institution. Marriage: A pertinent reality?', (Puebla, Mexico, 24/02/2021).
Martiño Rodríguez-González chaired the online seminar 'Innovation, New Technologies and Psychotherapy' organized by the association Española para la research y el development de la Terapia familiar, (Pamplona, 12/02/2021).
Carolina Lupo pronounced the lecture 'Pornography: Online infidelity? Effects of a silent and silenced pandemic' at the II Virtual International Symposium for Marriage and the Family (Monterrey, Mexico, 12/02/2021).
group 'Mind-brain
Javier Sánchez Cañizares gave the seminar 'Science and Faith: the dialogue of our time' in the course 'Building bridges: Conversations in the new areopagi' organized by the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences "Santa María de Toledo" (Toledo, 26/02/2021).
Navarra Center for International Development
Tijan Bah Attended the Webinar 'The Economics of Migration' of the Luxembourg Institute of partner-Economic Research, (Belbal, Luxembourg, 10/02/2021).
Ignacio Campomanes attended virtually the seminar The Political Economy of Open Borders: Theory and Evidence on the Role of Electoral Rules of the Online Political Economy Seminar Series (02/18/2021).
David Soler participated in the Webinar 'Understanding the African Continental Free Trade Area' organized by Casa África (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 18/02/2021), as well as in the online meeting of the committee advisor of Foro Africa of Foro de Foros (Madrid, 24/02/2021).
ATLANTES Programme
Carlos Centeno offered the invited discussion paper 'Global Experiences and International Good Practices to Develop a Palliative Care National Framework' within the 'CSPCP's Advanced Learning in Palliative Medicine Virtual Conference' of the Canadian Society of Palliative Care Physicians, (Ottawa, Canada, 02/25/2021).
Youth in transition
Javier García Manglano participated in the roundtable 'Social average: Growing real in an artificial world: A hard talk conversation on the present and future of the impact of social average and Artificial Intelligence on young people' organized by Riga Business School and Intermedia Consulting (Riga, Latvia, 26/02/2021).