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Institute for Culture and SocietyParticipation in activities at other centers and universities (February 2022)

ICS researchers and collaborators participated online and in person in activities organised by institutions in the Netherlands, Hungary, Italy, Mexico and Portugal.

01 | 03 | 2022

Public discourse

Ruth Breeze y Eleonora Esposito participated in the congress 'Critical Discourse Studies and Social Change', organised by the School de Philosophy y Letras of the University of Granada (16-17/02/2022, Granada, Spain). Breeze gave the discussion paper 'Fostering Critical Literacy Skills: The Case of Xenophobia and Covid-19' and Esposito's was entitled 'Cyber Violence as a Gendered Threat: the case of Women in Politics'.

Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality

Martiño Rodríguez intervened in the course 'Expert in Systemic Intervention. Terapia familiar y de pareja', organised by the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria in Madrid (03/02/2022, Madrid, Spain). She also attended the XI congress of the Spanish association for the research and development of Family Therapy, held at the University of Seville (12/02/2022, Seville, Spain).  

Mind-Brain Group

Francisco Güell gave a lecture organised by the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid (11/02/2022, Madrid, Spain).  


Miguel García-Valdecasas offered the discussion paper 'Teleodynamics: the transition from self-organization to end-directedness', invited by the Center for Religious Studies of the Central European University in Budapest (18/02/2022, Budapest, Hungary).

José Manuel Muñoz participated in the 1st International congress of the association Mexicana de Neuroética, where he moderated the presentations 'Libre albedrío' and 'Neuroderechos' (10-11/02/2022, Mexico City, Mexico). 


Navarra Center for International Development

Luis Alberiko Gil offered a discussion paper within the seminar 'Temperature and precipitation in the US States: long memory, persistence and time trend', organized by the School of Economics and business of the University of the Basque Country (25/02/2022, Bilbao, Spain). 


Atlantes Global Observatory of Palliative Care

Carlos Centeno He gave a speech at lecture 'development global de Cuidados Paliativos: retos y oportunidades', invited by the Palliative Care Service of the INCan (15/02/2022, Mexico City, Mexico). He also participated in the congress 'Palliative Care: An international Lab', organised by the Pontifical Academy for Life (09-11/02/2022, Rome, Italy).

Carla Reigada attended the congress 'Digital Transformation in Health: Health Data Science', organised by the Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa (ESTeSL) (11/02/2022, Lisbon, Portugal). 


Religion and Civil Society

David Thunder presented the article 'How Social Complexity Supports Human Flourishing' at a meeting organized by the Justus Lipsius Law Student Association-University of Leiden (11/02/2022, Leiden, The Netherlands) and at a seminar organized by Vrije University (22/02/2022, Amsterdam, The Netherlands).



