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The University joined the events of World No Tobacco Day

The project 'Healthy University' set up three stands at campus, where different tests and quizzes on smoking habits were carried out.

01/06/01 19:07

Healthy University, organizer of the World No Tobacco Day at the University of Navarra, is a project funded by the department of Health of the Government of Navarra whose goal is to promote healthy lifestyles among the university community, starting with the reduction and withdrawal of smoking, given its health relevance. Therefore, one of its main desires is that the University of Navarra becomes a "smoke-free space" in which smokers and non-smokers respect each other, and agree and delimit the spaces in which smoking is allowed.

The interdisciplinary committee of Healthy University is formed by the professors of the University of Navarra Navidad Canga, Mª José Duaso, Inmaculada Serrano and Inés Aguinaga(School of Nursing); Jokin de Irala (Epidemiology and Public Health Unit); and Jesús Santamaría (Chemistry and Soil Science). In addition, Philip Cheung (director of the Center of programs of study for Health of the University of Durham, UK) and Mª Jesús Azagra (nurse of the high school of Public Health of the Government of Navarra) also collaborated.

Passive smoking

On the occasion of World No Tobacco Day, three stands were set up in the lobbies of the Science, Central and Social Sciences buildings, where information leaflets on passive smoking (scientific evidence, current legislation, benefits of non-smoking policies...) and information on the project Healthy University were distributed.

In addition, a test to measure the level of carbon monoxide in expired air was made available to the public. Two tests were also distributed from these information booths: the Fagerström test, which assesses the Degree physical dependence on nicotine; and the model of the Prochaska stages of change, which assesses the smoker's attitude towards a possible change or modification of smoking behavior.



