Institute for Culture and SocietyParticipation in activities at other centers and universities (November 2017)
Researchers and collaborators participated in activities in Argentina, Guatemala, Honduras, Morocco, Norway, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States, the United States and the Vatican.
Emotional culture and identity
Ana Marta González was invited to attend to the presentation of the document "Ideas para una reforma constitucional" prepared by professors of Administrative Law and Constitutional, at the Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y Políticas. (Madrid, 20/11/2017).
Constantin Parvulescu gave several lectures and seminars in different cities in the USA:
- "Money, Power and Financial Expertise in Documentary Film" at the University of Minnesota (Minnesota, USA, 11/14/2017).
-High Finance and Financiers on the European post-2008 Screen" at the TAFT Research Center at the University of Cincinnati. There he also gave the seminar "Q&A and Discussion about European Cinema's Depiction of Finance after the 2008 Crisis". (Cincinnati, USA 11/15/2017).
- "Anti-communist Europe in the Romanian Film of the Early 1990s," at the 49TH Annual Aseees Convention (Chicago, USA, Chicago. 9-12/11/2017).
Alberto García presented the discussion paper "The aesthetics of mood: Rectify and Les Revenants" at the congress: 'The Aesthetics of TV Serials', organized by the Society for Cognitive Studies of the Moving Image (SCSMI) (Gandia, 2-4/11/2017).
Javier Serrano attended the XV Congresso IBERCOM, organized by Universidade Católica Portuguesa, where the discussion paper discussion paper "It's like we were born doing it: Multi-screening practices of Portuguese and Spanish University Students" of which he is co-author was presented (Lisbon, Portugal, 16-18/11/2017).
Public discourse
Sarali Gintsburg co-organized the roundtable 'Musiques de montagne: le cas de la 'ayta jabaliya. Vers une inscription du genre au patrimoine immatériel de l'UNESCO' at the file National of Morocco, where he presented the discussion paper "Pour un programme collectif d'étude de la 'ayta jabaliya." (Rabat, Morocco 15/11/2017).
Inés Olza presented the discussion paper "Retos de investigar el Public discourse a través de grandes cantidades de data multimodales" within the conference program of the doctorate en programs of study Filológicos organized by the University of Seville. (Seville, 28/11/2017).
Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality
Cristina López del Burgo has taught 7 hours of class on Sexuality and Public Health at the Master's Degree of Bioethics of the Catholic University of Avila (Avila, 17-18/11/2017).
Arantza Albertos and Pedro de la Rosa have presented the communication 'Ocio y development positivo adolescente" at the I congress Internacional de Psicología, Salud y Education (Oviedo, 8-11/11/2017).
group Mind-brain
Nat Barrett traveled to high school of Philosophy of the Austral University where he taught the course "The Cognitive Science of Religion: Context, Foundations, and New Directions", in the framework of the programs of study humanistic program. There he also closed the 'Person, Mind and Brain' seminar series with the presentation "Enjoyment and the Brain. The other 'hard problem' of psychology and the Philosophy of the mind". (Pilar, Argentina, 4-11/11/2017).
José Víctor Orón participated in the congress 'A home: a place of growth, care and wellbeing: An interdisciplinary conference on the pivotal role of the home in health and social care', held at The Royal Society of Medicine, with his work "Emotional education for staff growth in early years in family", (London, UK, 16-17/11/2017).
In addition, he gave sessions of training of UpToYou in Foro Europeo (Cizur Menor 10, 11, 24 and 15/11/2017), Derio (Bilbao, 3,4 and 5/11/2017) and Sigüenza (Sigüenza 13-14/11/2017).
Mr. Javier Sánchez Cañizares came to the University of Ljubljana to offer the discussion paper "The Mind-Brain Problem. Is the Soul Still Meaningful in Neurosciences?". He also dictated the communication "Origins of the Universe and Creation" at Trnovo Church and Pristan Primary School (Ljubljana, Slovenia, 14-15/11/2017).
Luis Echarte presented the poster "Neuroethics and Cartesian Metaphysics: An Enduring and Inconvenient Marriage" and "Brain Implants and Design Conception: Dynamical Systems Approaches and the Ethics of Expert Education" at the 2017 International Neuroethics Society Annual Meeting framed within the 47th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. (Washington D.C., USA, 9-10711/2017).
Youth in transition
Javier García Manglano has attended the II workshop on programs of study de Juventud: "Youth response to the crisis: social and political innovation - cooperation - collective actions" (Fuenlabrada, Madrid 16-17/11/2017).
Navarra Center for International Development
Luis Ravina and Ivan Kim have traveled to Honduras and Guatemala to hold work meetings in order to be able to collaborate on the development of Central America. (Honduras and Guatemala 7-19/11/2017)
Alex Armand continues his stay at the Nova School of Business and Economics (Lisbon) and has also carried out several activities in the USA and Norway.
-He has presented his work 'The Reach of Radio: Defection Messaging and Armed Group Behavior' at the NEUDC 2017 Conference organized by Tufts University (Boston, USA, 4-5/11/2017).
-He also gave the session 'The Reach of Radio: Ending Civil Conflict through Rebel Demobilization' at the University of Bergen and visited the Norwegian School of Economics (Bergen, Norway 11/23-24/2017).
Joseph Gomes continues during his stay at UPF Barcelona. She has also presented the work 'The Reach of Radio: Defection Messaging and Armed Group Behavior' at the Institutions and Political Economy Research Group (IPErG)'of the University of Barcelona (Barcelona, 16/11/2017). She also delivered the paper 'Women's political voice and maternal mortality' at the high school de Economics de Barcelona (IEB) of the University of Barcelona (Barcelona, 21/11/2017).
David Soler attended several conferences in various Spanish cities:
- "Regional Inequality and Land Reform in Africa", at the Ramón Areces Foundation (Madrid, 06/11/2017).
- "Boko Haram: Violence in Nigeria, Economic Heart of Africa", framed in the conference 'Africa is Indispensable'. (Pamplona 07/11/2017).
- "The new scenario of terrorism in Spain: radicalization, communication and the role of victims", organized by COVITE (Madrid, 23/11/2017).
ATLANTES Programme
Carlos Centeno: participated in several activities in Spain, Portugal and the Vatican:
-Participated in the VIII conference PACYL 'Evolving in Palliative Care' with the session "research qualitative in PC: experience from Atlantes", held at the University Hospital of Burgos (Burgos, 10-11/11/2017).
-He attended the WMA European Region Meeting on End-of-Life Questions where he moderated several sessions (Vatican City, 16-17/11/2017).
-He also presented the session "In which development level are we? A global view" during the 'Palliative Care Meeting at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation'. (Lisbon, Portugal, 20/11/2017).
He attended the workshop Arinduz, organized by the high school of Doctors of Guipuzcoa, where he gave the session "Palliative Care: Another luxury of our First World? World map of palliative resources in Africa and other disadvantaged areas of the planet". (San Sebastian, 22/11/2017).
Carlos Centeno, María Arantzamendi and Alazne Belar attended the V International Workshop of the Chair WeCare "Suffering: talking about what is difficult to talk about", organized by the International University of Catalonia. There, Carlos and Alazne presented the Clinical Case "Dignity therapy applied to an expression of the desire to bring forward death: -presentation of the clinical case; -discussion and analysis by experts; -question time". (Barcelona, 24-25/11/2017).
Natalia Arias and Eduardo Garralda participated in the '4ème Congrès International Francophone de Soins Palliatifs' with the poster "Développement des soins palliatifs dans les pays africains francophones". In addition, Natalia Arias gave the session "Développement des soins palliatifs dans les pays francophones dans la Méditerranée orientale". (Geneva, Switzerland, 16-18/11/2017).
Religion and Civil Society
Montserrat Herrero participated in the seminar Enlightenment of the Ortega y Gasset Foundation with the discussion paper "The Hegelian biblical interpretation: a romantic critique of the Enlightenment". (Madrid, 28/11/2017). He also attended the I National congress around the Spanish Constitution" of the Catholic University of Valencia, where he offered the session "Power, government and authority in constitutional Spain". (Valencia, 29/11/2017).
Mercedes Monteropresented the communication "Intervention: The prehistory of Ediciones Rialp" at the congress 'Territorios de la report. El franquismo a discussion', organized by the University of Valladolid (Valladolid, 21/11/2017).
Alejandro Martínez Carrasco gave a lecture on "The Philosophy of humanism" invited by the association cultural Roots of Europe. (Vitoria, 9/11/2017).