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Back to 20010302El delegado del Gobierno inauguró en la Universidad de Navarra la exposición de fotografías taurinas de Antonio Bienvenida

The delegate of the Government inaugurated at the University the exhibition of bullfighting photographs of Antonio Bienvenida.

José Carlos Iribas pointed out that the matador, who died 25 years ago, is "a myth of bullfighting and also of our recent history".

02/03/01 19:49

The delegate of the Government in the region, José Carlos Iribas, and the Vice President of Students of the University of Navarra, José López Guzmán, inaugurated the exhibition of bullfighting photographs of Antonio Bienvenida. The sample is part of the activities organized by the University of Navarra on the occasion of the II Bullfighting Encounters, which will be held on March 5, 6 and 7 in tribute to the Venezuelan bullfighter, 25 years after his death.

The images, a total of 50, have been donated by the newspaper Abc and can be seen from February 26 to March 9 at entrance hall of Central Building. The exhibition shows in chronological order both Antonio Bienvenida's professional and life trajectory.

Antonio Bienvenida's last lap of the bullring

The delegate of the Government underlined that "the photography is of high quality and the exhibition is very well mounted, making a journey through the life of the bullfighter, from his childhood to his death". José Carlos Iribas, for whom Antonio Bienvenida "is not only a myth of bullfighting but also of our recent history", acknowledged that what had impacted him most was the image of his burial, "in which he goes around the ring with the coffin and the crowd surrounds his corpse".

Iribas confessed to being a "bullfighting fan, like most Spaniards. I am not very knowledgeable, but it is a spectacle that I like and that in Navarre has a great tradition", he pointed out.



