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The research, a path to social change

The Spanish high school of programs of study Strategic publishes the work of End of Degree of the student of the Schools of Law and Economics Mónica Chinchilla.

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Mónica Chinchilla PHOTO: Manuel Castells
02/06/16 11:03 Blanca Rodriguez

The Spanishhigh school of programs of study Strategic (IEEE) publishes the work of End of Degree of the student of the Schools of Law and Economics Mónica Chinchilla, entitled "The effects of the Syrian conflict on trade in Lebanon" and directed by the researcher of the high school of Culture and Society (ICS) Luis Ravina.

Lebanon, the smallest country in continental Asia, became the protagonist of Monica's work End of Degree after weeks of research. When last June she thought about which would be the topic to which she would dedicate the next eight months of work, she thought of one of the great current humanitarian crises: the refugees.

"I looked at the countries most closely related to Syria and discovered that Lebanon was one of the countries that had received the most immigration as a result of the conflict," she recalls. So he chose a approach close to the double Degree he was studying, Law and bilingual ADE, and began to investigate. Thus arose the work that caught the attention of the IEEE, a government agency charged, among other things, with promoting research on issues related to international strategy and security.

"Months later, the history professor Santiago Martínez organized some conferences on geopolitics at the University and, upon discovering one on Lebanon, I decided to attend," says Mónica Chinchilla. The main speaker was Pedro Sánchez Herráez, PhD in Peace and International Security, senior analyst at the IEEE, who a few days after learning about work called Mónica to tell her that there was a possibility of publishing it.

Two months later, the IEEE published its project of research, where the author concludes that Lebanon "has been able to adapt to the complex status it is going through," as immigrant refugees and transportation routes have "boosted trade."

A recent graduate of the double degree degree program and student of Degree in Political Science, Monica would like to continue directing her steps towards research, as she assures that "it is a very beautiful path that allows her to participate in social change".



